The APRM-UNDESA continental workshop on the "Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and domestication of Agenda 2063" organized in partnership with the SDG Centre for Africa, UNDP, the African Union Commission, and UNDP Regional Centre in Addis Ababa.on 28 & 29 March 2022, aimed to support national capacities of AU member States in preparations for VNRs to be presented at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in July 2022. For more information, click on the image / title.
- Agenda;
- Concept Note (English & French);
- Key Outcome Messages – APRM-UNDESA : Continental Workshop on VNRs and Domestication of Agenda 2063;
- Presentation by Saras Jagwanth : The Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development;
- Presentation by Abdou Razak Ahmed Idriss : Atelier de renforcement des capacités de l’UA sur les examens nationaux volontaires de l’Afrique en vue du Forum politique de haut niveau (FPHN) 2022 et de l’appropriation de l’Agenda 2063 par les pays;
- Presentation by Abdulkadir Gedi : Voluntary National Review: Somalia’s Experience;
- Presentation by Amson Sibanda : Local and Regional Implementation of SDGs: Benefits of Voluntary Local Reviews
- Presentation by Bala Yunusa Bala : Nigeria’s SDGs Institutional Framework;
- Presentation by Diana Demba : SDG5 and Development Agendas in Africa and the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of the Goal;
- Presentation on : Atelier de renforcement des capacités de l’UA sur les examens nationaux volontaires de l’Afrique en vue du Forum politique de haut niveau (FPHN) 2022 et de l’appropriation de l’Agenda 2063 par les pays;
- Presentation by Dr. Kefiloe Masiten: VNRs and Lessons Learned From COVID-19 – South Africa’s Presentation;
- Presentation by Edem Messa Gavo : Agenda 2063 Reporting : Key Lessons Learnt;
- Presentation by Fathi Basha IGAD : Youth and Civil Society Role in Promoting and Implementing /Localization of the Agenda 2030 / Agenda 2063;
- Presentation by Felix Addo Yobo : Translating Agenda 2063 and 2030 Agenda into local actions: Ghana’s Experience;
- Presentation on The Gambia Voluntary National Review : June 2020;
- Presentation / Opening Statement by H.E. Ambassador Collen Vixen Kelapile, President of the Economic and Social Council;
- Presentation by Jackline Arineitwe, Uganda Office of the Prime Minister : Uganda's Inclusive and Participatory Approaches in the National Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) Institutional Decision Making;
- Presentation by Jaco Du Toit, UNESCO: Innovative Tools for Implementation and Reporting on SDGs and Agenda 2063: Monitoring and Reporting SDG 16.10.2 on Access to Information;
- Presentation by Kaduna : 7 Minutes SDGs Talkpoints;
- Presentation by Lennon Monyae : APRM Youth Programme;
- Presentation / Talking points by Dr. Francis Kai Kai, Sierra Leone Minister of Planning and Economic Development;
- Presentation by Morocco Agenda local des ODD et VLR : Sustainable Cities: Initiative for the localization of SDGs in Morocco;
- Presentation by Eloi Godo Gouro, Côte d’Ivoire;
- Presentation by Jean Yves Adou : APRM Support to M&E Systems for Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa;
- Presentation by Lungile Mndzebele Eswati : Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Eswatini;
- Presentation by Reham Rizk : Egypt - Monitoring & Evaluation Tolls for SDGs & Agenda 2063;
- Presentation by Sheka Bangura, Sierra Leone : Perspective on VNRs and VLRs – Ministry of Planning and Economic Development Sierra Leone;
- Recording (Passcode: 3f%rqHQ=)