Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Technology and Innovation for Land Transport Development in the Arab Region
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Webinar | ESCWA
The Arab region has the lowest representation of women in political life globally and is ranked the lowest in political participation on the gender gap index. This holds true at all levels of governance, including the parliament, government, civil service, judiciary and local councils. Women’s poor political representation also reflects their lower rates of political participation, which make them a less sought-after body of voters and limit the…
Building an AI Nation: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence Adoption through Agile Policymaking – The Case of the UAE
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
We live in a world of rapid change that may be best characterized as a ‘VUCA world’: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Effectively, it is a new world where old laws and rules no longer apply. The advanced technologies of the digital age are disrupting ‘business as usual’ and no industry is immune. Not to be left behind, governments have to predict the future by imagining what the world will be like and ‘adapt’ at the same pace, all…
Comprehensive Performance Indicators of the Public Sector
| English | Spanish | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | Publication | CLAD
The monitoring and evaluation information is conditioned on a series of factors in order to be used effectively. Various studies bear witness to rather formal uses - such as information that accompanies accountability to Congress and annual management reports of the agencies - but there is less emphasis on uses for the use of learning and for the allocation of spending (Cunill and Ospina 2008) (Villarreal, July, 2007).
This study starts…
E-Handbook on SDG Framework and Metadata: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Training of Trainer’s Toolkit | ESCWA
E-Handbook on SDG Framework and Metadata provide Up- to-date information on the Sustainable Development indicators, their Tier category and the official metadata as per custodian agency. The E-Handbook is a resourceful tool that includes, where available, background information, country examples, and other resources to provide in-depth knowledge to data producers and users to improve collection, compilation and analysis. This document contains…
The AAPAM Gold Medal Award
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Africa | Award Programme | AAPAM
The AAPAM Gold Medal Award marks the exceptional achievement of an individual who has shown distinctive leadership or has made a significant contribution to excellence in public administration and management in Africa. Awarded after every three years, the AAPAM Gold Medal is the highest honour accorded by AAPAM to outstanding public service.
Gold Medal Past Winners Dr. Najat Zarrouk (Kingdom of Morocco), in 2018
Amb. Francis Muthaura (…
From Colonization to Reconciliation: Increasing the Collaborative Capacity of Public Servants
| English | Spanish | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | Publication | IPAC/IAPC
In call to action 57, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls upon federal, provincial, and territorial governments to enhance the skills and knowledge of public servants. Leveraging collaboration theory and collaborative capacity, this article delves deeper into the skills, attitudes, and knowledge required of public servants who regularly work with First Nations organizations and governments. Using findings from a health care…
Building a New Future: Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | ECLAC
This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session, argues that Latin America and the Caribbean is in a position to move towards a “big push for sustainability” through a combination of economic, industrial, social and environmental policies capable of driving a recovery with equality and sustainability and relaunching development in the region.
Sustainable Development Goals: Building New Routes for Public Administrations
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | Publication | ICAP
The report contributes to three reflections that could be a little light on the current debate; The first is that there must necessarily be a reformulation of the seventeen SDGs or in any case a prioritization of their implementation. In this line, and in line with the proposal of authors specialized in development and what is expressed by international organizations themselves, the collaborative action between the State and society should…