Europe Regional Webinar 2020 United Nations E-Government Survey

This event highlighted the 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey. It included an in-depth presentation of the Survey data and results, followed by expert reflections on the findings. The world we live in has changed so much since the last edition of the Survey, released two years ago – has digital governance kept up with the pace? Is it well-equipped to face the challenges that are ahead?

2020 United Nations E-Government Survey, Asia Pacific Regional Webinar on Digital Government in the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development

The year 2020 witnessed a transformational change in the global development agenda as the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the launch of the Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. The Decade of Action is central to bolster efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, including efforts to eradicate poverty and to improve economic growth, social protection, health, education, energy, water and sanitation, sustainable transport and infrastructure, and Internet access.

Online Training Workshop on Advancing Government Innovation and Leveraging Frontier Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction and Building Resilience

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) and its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) with the support of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) of the Republic of Korea co-organized this online Training Course on “Advancing Government Innovation and Leveraging Frontier Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction and Building Resilience” to pilot the t

Virtual Capacity Building Workshop “Developing Transformational Leadership Capacities in Somalia’s Public-Sector Institutions to Implement the 2030 Agenda and Achieve the SDGs”

Virtual Capacity Building Workshop “Developing Transformational Leadership Capacities in Somalia’s Public-Sector Institutions to Implement the 2030 Agenda and Achieve the SDGs”

Organized by UNDESA in collaboration with the School of Management & Public Administration, Somalia National University

on Monday 10 August and Tuesday 11 August 2020 

Virtual VNR lab 10: What should institutions look like to support SDG implementation and how best to reflect it in VNR reporting?

Friday 10 July 2020 

UNDESA organized the virtual VNR Lab on "What should institutions look like to support SDG implementation and how best to reflect it in VNR reporting?" on the margins of 2020 HLPF. This lab focused on what institutions should look like to support accelerated implementation of all the SDGs, including at the sub-national level, and how to reflect progress in achieving more effective governance for sustainable development in VNR reporting.

Webinar on "The place and Advantages of Digital Governance for African Local Governments"

Faced with rampant urbanization, cities are changing and transforming ; imbalances and inequalities are increasing, problems are becoming more and more complex, particularly with regard to local governance, local management and the local public services delivery.

For Morocco, the changes are profound, the stakes are high and the territorial challenges must be taken into account and urgently.

Committee of Experts on Public Administration, 19th session

The Committee of Experts on Public Administration held its nineteenth session through a combination of written consultations and informal meetings convened on 13, 15, 18, 21, 27 and 28 May 2020, using a virtual platform. The overall theme was “Promoting effective governance and institutional reform to accelerate delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals”, with particular reference to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic response and recovery.

17th meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Audits Steering Committee

The Steering Committee meeting was supposed to take place in magical Marrakech 23 – 26 March 2020. The preparations were going full speed forward when the alerting news from all over the world started to spread. The coronavirus outbreak forced INTOSAI WGEA to make a full U-turn and change the plan for the 17th Steering Committee meeting venue.