Virtual Capacity Building Workshop “Developing Transformational Leadership Capacities in Somalia’s Public-Sector Institutions to Implement the 2030 Agenda and Achieve the SDGs”
Organized by UNDESA in collaboration with the School of Management & Public Administration, Somalia National University
on Monday 10 August and Tuesday 11 August 2020
The National Development Plan (NDP) of Somalia aims at accelerating socio-economic transformation to achieve the objectives of poverty alleviation, economic revival, and societal transformation in a socially just and gender-equitable manner. One of the critical components of this is public service as an institution and the services delivered to the people of Somalia. The extensive reach of public services in people’s daily lives underscores the critical role of public-sector Institutions in realizing sustainable development. Somalia, being among the countries that aspire to succeed in positively transforming socio-politico-economic lives of the people to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is seeking to transform the nature, quality and quantity of public services as well as the inclusion, collaboration and equitability with which they are delivered to ensure leaving no one behind in sustainable development. To realize this transformation there is a need for transformational leadership at all levels of governance in Somalia, including in public sector institutions, that can pursue good governance, rule of law and equitable responsive service delivery. Read more