Faced with rampant urbanization, cities are changing and transforming ; imbalances and inequalities are increasing, problems are becoming more and more complex, particularly with regard to local governance, local management and the local public services delivery.
For Morocco, the changes are profound, the stakes are high and the territorial challenges must be taken into account and urgently.
However, all over the world, we are fully immersed in the knowledge society. Cities around the world now retain, in their strategic vision, E-Governance, digitization, the development of smart cities, or even smart specialization, for the simple reason that these are irreversible choices and strategic orientations that play a central role in the dynamics of sustainable development at local and territorial levels.
In this regard, it is worth recalling the Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) which calls for the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for the purposes of sustainable development, to ensure access to justice for all and to establish, at all levels, efficient, responsible and inclusive institutions, in particular through investment in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as well as in digital.
Likewise for the African Agenda 2063, which represents the blueprint for Africa that aims at transforming the African continent into a world power of the future, following a strategic vision to achieve its aspirations and objectives of inclusive and sustainable development. Read more