Displaying 1 - 12 of 20
The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference – Application Open
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Europe and Central Asia | Webinar | NISPAcee
Main Conference Theme: Citizens' Engagement and Empowerment - The Era of Collaborative Innovation in Governance
Panel: Politico-Administrative Relations in CEE
Panel: Cultural Policy, Co-creation and Smart Development in CEE
Panel: Behavioural Interventions in the Public Sector
WG1: Local Government
WG2: E-government
WG3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
WG4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development…
African Economic Conference 2020
| English | Local Governance | Africa | Webinar | ECA
The 2020 edition of the African Economic Conference, jointly organized by African Development Bank (AfDB), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is planned to be held virtually from 8 to 10 December 2020.
Since its inception in 2006, the conference has fostered dialogue and the exchange of knowledge on a variety of issues and challenges that Africa has faced.
The theme of this year’s…
Public Sector Financial Management Training
| English | Participation and Accountability | Africa | Webinar | AAPAM
The practice of efficient PFM is now considered critical in combating corruption, alleviating poverty, and ensuring the effective use of internal and external resources as an essential part of the development process. Sound PFM supports aggregate control, prioritization, accountability, and efficiency in the management of public resources and delivery of services, which are critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG'…
Technology and Innovation for Land Transport Development in the Arab Region
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Webinar | ESCWA
The Arab region has the lowest representation of women in political life globally and is ranked the lowest in political participation on the gender gap index. This holds true at all levels of governance, including the parliament, government, civil service, judiciary and local councils. Women’s poor political representation also reflects their lower rates of political participation, which make them a less sought-after body of voters and limit the…
Expert Discussion on Data Policy Issues
| English | Russian | Digital Government | Europe and Central Asia | Webinar | IIS
A panel discussion on data policy will be held on 24 November 2020. The meeting is being held by the World Bank in conjunction with the National Center for Digital Economy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Institute for the Development of the Information Society.
In the period from 2019 to 2020, the World Bank, in collaboration with representatives of government authorities, the scientific and educational community and the private…
35th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts for North Africa
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Africa | Webinar | ECA
The Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts for North Africa (ICSOE) is a statutory, deliberative body responsible for the strategic direction of the activities of the ECA Office for North Africa.
The Committee meets annually to consider the Office’s activity report, achieved results, work programme and strategic orientations in accordance with the development priorities of the North African countries.
This annual…
Institute of Public Administration of Canada’s 2020 Annual Conference: Building the New Normal
| English | Local Governance | Americas | Webinar | IPAC/IAPC
While this year's conference will be different in many ways, we look forward to collaborating, networking and learning virtually.We want to thank our partners, stakeholders, vendors, speakers and dedicated volunteers for their support, commitment and understanding as we transition this year's annual conference online. This year's conference theme, Building the New Normal , will be held virtually and will tackle the…
International Virtual Conference on the Chilean Experience During the Pandemic
| English | Participation and Accountability | Americas | Webinar | CLAD
The Secretary General of CLAD began the activity by highlighting the work carried out by the representatives of the CLAD member countries to share the experiences of their countries during the pandemic. He pointed out that so far more than half of the 23 countries that are part of the organization have joined this activity, explaining and discussing their experiences and measures taken to face the crisis generated by Covid-19.
Virtual HR 2020: Building A New Vision Together Reached Record-Breaking Attendance
| English | Local Governance | Americas | Webinar | ECLAC
HR 2020: Building A New Vision Together, held October 21-22, delivered inspiring keynotes, hot-topic panel discussions, and networking opportunities to public sector HR professionals from across the country. Dr. Kevin Snyder kicked off the event with his energetic and engaging opening keynote, reminding the audience that adversity does not define us, but reveals opportunities to grow. With an uplifting and empowering call to revisit goals and…
Capacity Development Webinar on Strengthening the Role of Public Institutions in Achieving Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Webinar | UN DESA/DPIDG
We’re at a critical juncture in the global fight against poverty. An estimated 71 million people have been pushed back into poverty by COVID-19, threatening to erase decades of progress.
On Friday 16 October 2020, from 9:00am to 11:00 am (EDT), UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government and in collaboration with China National Academy of Governance (CNAG) will host a…
Towards A New India Governance Transformed 2014-2019
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Webinar | CGG
This webinar offers readers a glimpse of the numerous challenges in implementation of various welfare state policies and depicts the success stories of the reforms in the last five years.
File added date: March 2021
Organized by: CGG
Capacity Development Webinar on Leveraging Digital Government & Spearheading Innovative Digital Solutions to Address the COVID-19
| English | Digital Government | Global | Webinar | UN DESA/DPIDG
Governments across the Caribbean have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to their high economic dependence on travel and tourism, which have virtually collapsed as a result of border closures and restrictions. In the context of already high public debt levels and an even more limited fiscal space following the pandemic, Caribbean governments are endeavoring to strengthen public health interventions while limiting the impact of…