Displaying 85 - 96 of 234
Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 211
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers the various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector.
File added date: September 2021
Author: RCOCI
Download publication: English
Engaging Citizens for Inclusive Futures: Rebuilding Social Cohesion and Trust through Citizen Dialogues
| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | WEF
The COVID-19 pandemic has created severe economic and social disruption, with loss of lives and livelihoods, poverty and inequality on the rise in every country on Earth, presenting a serious threat to social cohesion and global cooperation. Understanding the individual experiences and perceptions of citizens will help chart a path towards a just post-pandemic recovery that puts those most affected at the centre. This report shares the results…
Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 210
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers the various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector.
File added date: July 2021
Author: RCOCI
Download publication: English
ICAP Central American Notebooks, No. 32 (April 2021)
| Spanish | Governance and Public Institutions | Americas | Publication | ICAP
In this issue, developed by Dr. Caryl Alonso Jiménez, it summarizes around 5 years of research and proposes a global approach to the issue of decentralization in the region, beginning with a historical review of the modernization processes of Central American States and how each implemented their own understanding of the concept.
In addition, the author continues with a two-level analysis; reviewing the tools, characteristics and indicators…
Arab Forum for Sustainable Development, 2021
| English | Innovation in Service Delivery | Middle East | Virtual Event | ESCWA
The Arab Forum for Sustainable Development (AFSD) is the primary regional mechanism for the follow up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab region. AFSD’s outcome formally delivers the voice of the region to the global High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development held annually in New York. The report of the Arab Forum sets out key messages emanating from the regional…
Rebuilding Trust and Governance: Towards Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT)
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Publication | WEF
This White Paper provides a bird’s-eye view of the governance challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with trust as the central theme. In cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and Japanese companies and academia, the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan is working to find solutions to common challenges that exist at the root of various fields. As part of the effort, this…
Building administrative capacity for development: limits and prospects
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Asia and the Pacific | Publication | IIAS
This publication is the introductory article of International Review of Administrative Sciences, Volume 87 Issue 2: Special Issue: Building capacity for development: the administrative dimension in Asia. This special issue’s main objective is to develop an adequate understanding of the conditions and actions required for governments to build and deploy capacities to achieve developmental goals.
This introductory article offers some conceptual…
Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 209
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers the various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector.
File added date: June 2021
Author: RCOCI
Download Publication: English
Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) maturity index - 2020
| Arabic | Innovation and Service Delivery | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
GEMS indicator aims to measure the maturity of government services provided through the portal and through mobile applications in the Arab region. It seeks to bridge the gap in most of the international indicators, related to service maturity, its use and user satisfaction. To this end, 84 government services have been identified, and it is necessary for each country to deliver them electronically for individuals and businesses. The principle of…
Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 208
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector
File added date: April 2021
Author: RCOCI
Download Publication: English
Open Government: Open Data Toolkit
| English | Digital Government | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
The open data toolkit is a brief guide for initiating, planning, implementing, and evaluating open data programmes in the Arab region. It includes five sections, covering planning and management, making and updating inventories and catalogues, developing platforms, evaluating, and ensuring open data quality. The proposed steps are fortified with examples from existing open data initiatives that help clarify the process based national…
Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 207
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector
File added date: March 2021
Author: RCOCI
Download Publication: English