The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy is predominantly devoted to public administration, public policy and public governance issues in Central and Eastern Europe, but high-level submissions from any other part of the world are also considered, especially if they focus on the issues relevant to the NISPAcee region. The Volume XIV, Number 1 contains the following articles:
- Assessment of the Quality of Governance and Competitiveness at the Local Level: The Case of Slovenian Municipalities
- Stakeholder Involvement in the Civil Security Systems: How (Dis)Similar are the CEE Countries Compared to the Rest of Europe ?
- Measuring Outcomes of Digital Transformation in Public Administration: Literature Review and Possible Steps Forward
- Digitalization of Public Procurement in the Russian Federation: Case Study
- The Performance Management Design in Public Hospitals: A Case Study
- Innovative Concept of Providing Local Public Services Based on ICT
- Organizational Readiness for Co-Creation of Public Services in the Central and Eastern European Administrative Tradition: Development of the Conceptual Multi-Attribute Decision Support Model
- Multi-level Governance and Internally Displaced Persons Policy in Ukraine: Bridging the Gap between the Global and Local; Governmental and Civic
- The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions: A Literature Review
- Effectiveness of Public Support for Business Innovation from EU Funds: Case Study in Slovakia
- The Potential of Design Thinking and Total Quality Management in Creating Public Value
- Decentralization Policy in Ukraine: How Voluntary Amalgamation, Inter-Municipal Cooperation and Fiscal Incentives Impacted the Local Government System
File added date: June 2021
Author: NISPAcee
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