
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction within the Framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

| Spanish | Governance and Public Institutions | Americas | Publication | ECLAC
A disaster can lead to setbacks in the economic and social progress achieved by countries over the decades, and its effects can be exacerbated in the case of the most vulnerable groups. The severity of the impact will depend on the ability of countries to detect and overcome their vulnerabilities. This document, especially aimed at policymakers, shows how, through development planning, the foundations for a comprehensive approach can be laid,…

Virtual HR 2020: Building A New Vision Together Reached Record-Breaking Attendance

| English | Local Governance | Americas | Webinar | ECLAC
HR 2020: Building A New Vision Together, held October 21-22, delivered inspiring keynotes, hot-topic panel discussions, and networking opportunities to public sector HR professionals from across the country. Dr. Kevin Snyder kicked off the event with his energetic and engaging opening keynote, reminding the audience that adversity does not define us, but reveals opportunities to grow. With an uplifting and empowering call to revisit goals and…

Building a New Future: Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | ECLAC
This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session, argues that Latin America and the Caribbean is in a position to move towards a “big push for sustainability” through a combination of economic, industrial, social and environmental policies capable of driving a recovery with equality and sustainability and relaunching development in the region. The…

The American Review of Public Administration (ARPA)

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Americas | Journal | ECLAC
This article argues that public administrators must advance a more equity-based assessment of vulnerabilities in American communities and more risk-based communication strategies. It provides an overview of partisan motivated reasoning, how this has influenced the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Experimental evidence then demonstrates how the framing of the pandemic can influence trust in various public messengers. The coronavirus pandemic…

Management of Local Open Government Action Plans: Tools for Co-creation, Monitoring and Evaluation

| Spanish | Local Governance | Americas | Publication | ECLAC
In Latin America and the Caribbean, a large number of innovations and reforms linked to the promotion of open government occur in subnational territories. That is the scale on which governments can collaborate with citizens and other actors more directly and closely. The creation of spaces and mechanisms for participation, transparency and accountability allows those who inhabit the territories to have a greater impact on public policies,…