Displaying 109 - 120 of 214

Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 205

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector    File added date: March 2021 Author: RCOCI Download Publication: English URL: N/A

Comprehensive Performance Indicators of the Public Sector

| English | Spanish | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | Publication | CLAD
The monitoring and evaluation information is conditioned on a series of factors in order to be used effectively. Various studies bear witness to rather formal uses - such as information that accompanies accountability to Congress and annual management reports of the agencies - but there is less emphasis on uses for the use of learning and for the allocation of spending (Cunill and Ospina 2008) (Villarreal, July, 2007).   This study starts…

IPAC Award For Innovative Management Award

| English | Innovation and Service Delivery | Americas | Award Programme | IPAC/IAPC
The IPAC Award for Innovative Management Award aims to recognize and encourage innovation in all public organizations and across all orders of governments. It also provides an opportunity to share these good ideas with others. Past award recipients have developed new approaches to combat homelessness, tax fraud, and improve opportunities for Aboriginal communities.   Every year, the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC)…

Virtual HR 2020: Building A New Vision Together Reached Record-Breaking Attendance

| English | Local Governance | Americas | Webinar | ECLAC
HR 2020: Building A New Vision Together, held October 21-22, delivered inspiring keynotes, hot-topic panel discussions, and networking opportunities to public sector HR professionals from across the country. Dr. Kevin Snyder kicked off the event with his energetic and engaging opening keynote, reminding the audience that adversity does not define us, but reveals opportunities to grow. With an uplifting and empowering call to revisit goals and…

Capacity Development Webinar on Strengthening the Role of Public Institutions in Achieving Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Webinar | UN DESA/DPIDG
We’re at a critical juncture in the global fight against poverty. An estimated 71 million people have been pushed back into poverty by COVID-19, threatening to erase decades of progress.     On Friday 16 October 2020, from 9:00am to 11:00 am (EDT), UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government and in collaboration with China National Academy of Governance (CNAG) will host a…

Global Smart Cities 2020 - Humanity, Technology and Sustainability

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Publication | RCOCI
"Global Smart City 2020" is the fourth edition of biennial review of smart cities released by the Smart City research group of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences since 2010. This report is the result of cooperation with Smart City Research Center of School of Management, Fudan University under the background that the coronavirus epidemic is still spreading. Especially, we are gratitude to have the consistent support from the United Nations…

Compendium of Digital Government Initiatives in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

| English | Digital Government | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
This compendium, prepared by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), aims to capture emerging trends in digital responses of UN Member States against the COVID-19 pandemic, and provide a preliminary analysis of their main features. These cases are shared for exchange of information so that Member States can learn from each other and possibly…

The American Review of Public Administration (ARPA)

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Americas | Journal | ECLAC
This article argues that public administrators must advance a more equity-based assessment of vulnerabilities in American communities and more risk-based communication strategies. It provides an overview of partisan motivated reasoning, how this has influenced the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Experimental evidence then demonstrates how the framing of the pandemic can influence trust in various public messengers. The coronavirus pandemic…

Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 204

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector    File added date: March 2021 Author: RCOCI Download Publication: English URL: N/A

The Ingredients for Innovations in Small Town Ontario: Leadership& Culture

| English | Local Governance | Americas | Publication | IPAC/IAPC
The majority of services that Canadians receive from government are from local governments, including vital services, such as water, sanitation and public transit (Downer and Foster 2017). As more facets of their life move into the digital realm, Canadians are understandably demanding more digitally-focused servicing from their governments at all levels (Cukier 2019). Municipalities are facing increased expectations to meet this demand and…

Building a New Future: Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | ECLAC
This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session, argues that Latin America and the Caribbean is in a position to move towards a “big push for sustainability” through a combination of economic, industrial, social and environmental policies capable of driving a recovery with equality and sustainability and relaunching development in the region. The…

International Course “The Public Servant as a Trainer. Module: New Learning Scenarios in Public Organizations ”

| English | Local Governance | Americas | Training Course | CLAD
The CLAD School , within the framework of the 2020 Academic Program ,  together with the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) of the Republic of Argentina, opens the call to receive applications for the International Course: “The public servant as a trainer. Module: new learning scenarios in public organizations ” , of virtual modality ( INAP Campus ), to be carried out from November 9 to 27, 2020.   Overall objective: That…