Purpose and Objective
The purpose of the Global Network of Schools of Public Administration is to strengthen advocacy of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs among all stakeholders and to create, expand and exchange knowledge on the 2030 Agenda and develop individual, organizational and institutional capabilities. The objectives of the Global Network of Schools of Public Administration are to educate public servants and the general public of the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to strengthen knowledge and capacities of public servants for the implementation of the SDGs to build a community of practice among the public administration schools for networking and support to work with DESA/DPIDG to gather data and information about the development of capacities.
The role of the Global Network of Schools of Public Administration, through its regional task forces, is to develop inventories of the existing curriculums in the region, identify the need for new or updated curriculums mainstreaming the principles of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, coordinate the elaboration and review/testing of specific curriculums on the SDGs and contribute to the UN DESA Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs. The Global Network has also developed a competency framework of public servants for the implementation of the SDGs and will promote its use.
Every year, UN DESA convenes an annual meeting with the Global Network during the United Nations Public Service Forum. During the Forum, the members will share regional and national trends in terms of mainstreaming the SDGs in the curricula of schools of public administration, civil service commissions, and institutes of training. Meetings are also convened through webinars and other means.
Online Community of Practice
Members of the Global Network work together through online communities of practice to share knowledge and develop training material. The UNPAN platform provides the opportunity to share documents, news, events, publications, and training material. An UNPAN Online Training Center features training courses that are free of charge.
Membership of the Global Network is voluntary and open to National Schools of Public Administration, Public Sector Training Institutes, Civil Service Commissions of each country of the region that are partners of the United Nations Public Administration Network. Also, Regional Association of Public Administration, that are UNPAN members can take part in the task force. If you would like to join, please click here for more information.