Since 2018, the journal has been published twice a year as an e-publication, available on internet free-of-charge. Only a limited number of hard copies are published for legally obligatory submissions, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and for subscribers.
Table of Contents
- The Turnover of Palestinian Governments and its Selected Impacts on the Sustainability of Public Policy , Jehad Alaysa, Hussam Musa
- Endangered Municipalities ? Case Study of Three Small and Critically Indebted Czech Municipalities, Jakub Hornek, Petr Jüptner
- Participatory Budget as a Tool Supporting the Development of Civil Society in Poland , Jarosław Kempa, Artur Roland Kozłowski
- Public Administration in Ukraine: Adjusting to European Standards , Svitlana Khadzhyradieva, Sergii Slukhai, Anatolii Rachynskyi
- Why some Fail and others Succeed: Explaining the Academic Performance of PA Undergraduate Students , Alina Maria Pavelea, Octavian Moldovan
- Regulatory Cybernetics: Adaptability and Probability in the Public Administration’s Regulations, Mirko Pečarič
- The Transparency of Czech Foundations , Jakub Pejcal
- Modern Trends of Customs Administrations Formation: Best European Practices and a Unified Structure , Nestor Shpak, Olga Melnyk, Marta Adamiv, Włodzimierz Sroka
- Questioning the Real Citizen-Centricity of e-Government Development: Digitalization of G2C Services in Selected CEE Countries , David Špaček, Mihály Csótó, Nicolae Urs
- How to Attract and Retain Creative Class , Katarína Vitálišová, Anna Vaňová, Janka Šúrová
File added date: March 2021
Author: NISPAcee
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