United Nations E-Government Survey Local Online Service Index (LOSI) Webinar Series - Episode 2 – Brazil

The second LOSI webinar series organized by the Digital Government Branch (DGB) of the DPIDG / UN DESA will focus on the application of LOSI methodology in Brazil. This one-hour webinar will host researchers who conducted the study in Brazilian cities.

Webinar on the UN E-Government Survey 2022: Advances and challenges of digital government in Latin America and the…

Objectives1. Present the main results for the United Nations E-Government Survey 2022 with special focus on the results of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
- | 07:45 am - 08:45 am

Open Forum on adopting data governance framework: from silos to ecosystem

UN DESA/DPIDG is organizing an Open Forum on Adopting Data Governance Framework: From Silos to Ecosystem as part of the Internet Governance Forum 2022.
- | 10:00 am - 11:00 am

United Nations E-Government Survey​ Local Online Service Index (LOSI) Webinar Series ​Episode 1 – Jordan ​

The first LOSI webinar series organized by the Digital Government Branch (DGB) of the DPIDG / UN DESA  will focus on the application of LOSI methodology in Jordan. This one-hour webinar will host researchers who conducted the study in 19 cities in the country.

Capacity Development Webinar on Implementing a Multi-Pronged Strategy for Digital Transformation: Lessons from Asia

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), in collaboration with China National Academy of Governance (CNAG) and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS),organized a capacity building webinar on strengthening digital transformation through

Innovation, Digital Government and Changing Mindset for Public Sector Transformation in Guyana to Achieve the SDGs

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), the Ministry of Public Service of Guyana, the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) and the Caribbean Communi

Regional Symposium on Effective Governance and Digital Transformation for Building Back Better and Accelerating the…

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs' Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (UN DESA / DPIDG), through its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) of the Government of the Republic of Korea, organized the 5t

Advancing SMART Cities and Urban Digital Transformation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

The future of sustainable development will be determined in part in urban areas. Despite various challenges, urbanization can be a driving force for sustainability when anchored on the principles of sustainable development.

Webinar on "The place and Advantages of Digital Governance for African Local Governments"

Faced with rampant urbanization, cities are changing and transforming ; imbalances and inequalities are increasing, problems are becoming more and more complex, particularly with regard to local governance, local management and the local public services delivery.

Third Session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Steering Committee and WSIS Regional Review

Two UNPOG staff participated in the Third Session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Steering Committee and WSIS Regional Review, which was organized by UN ESCAP, in collaboration with ITU and the Internet Society, on 26-29 August 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Interregional Capacity Development Workshop on Digital Government Implementation for SDGs 

DPIDG/UNPOG and DGB, in collaboration with UN ESCAP, organized the Interregional Capacity Development Workshop on Digital Government Implementation for SDGs on 23-24 July in Bangkok, Thailand.