National Capacity Building Workshop on Accelerating Digital Government Transformation in Sri Lanka: Strengthening Digital Governance for Sustainable Development

End Date
Asia and the Pacific
Thematic Area
Digital Government

The workshop was organized by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) and its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka (SDC), Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), and United Nations Resident Coordinator Office in Sri Lanka.

Context and Thematic Focus

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) and its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Council and ICT Agency of Sri Lanka and with support from United Nations Resident Coordinator Office in Sri Lanka, is organizing a National Capacity Building Workshop on Accelerating Digital Government Transformation in Sri Lanka: Strengthening Digital Governance for Sustainable Development. This National Capacity Building workshop is organized at the request of the SDC and ICTA of Sri Lanka, as a follow up to the 2nd Capacity Needs Assessment of Government Institutions to Implement the 2030 Agenda and Identification of Priority Areas for Capacity Development for Asia and the Pacific Region and Eastern Africa, which was conducted by DPIDG/UNPOG in 2022 in close collaboration with UN Resident Coordinator Offices.

The Workshop will feature presentations on the Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development and trends in e-government development including the recent move in digital platform government and data policy. It will conduct a situation analysis with reference to the Handbook on Digital Government Capability Assessment and identify priorities and new approaches to inclusive service delivery. This Workshop will also conduct an exercise to develop an e-Competency profile of the public sector workforce in Sri Lanka with reference to the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF). This Workshop aims to develop a road map and action planning for facilitating innovation and advancing digital government in Sri Lanka to realize the SDGs.

This Workshop will be conducted in a hybrid format with some participants and international resource persons from Bangladesh, Singapore, Republic of Korea, EU, ITU, UNDP, UNESCO and UN DESA/DPIDG joining via Zoom. The SDC and ICTA of Sri Lanka are planning to invite a core group of 50 senior government officials from different ministries to join this Workshop. This National Training Workshop is expected to build digital government capacities of government officials to contribute to accelerating the pace of digital government transformation and strengthening digital governance for sustainable development in Sri Lanka.

Supporting Documents

Concept Note and Agenda

Toolkit on Innovation and Digital Government for Public Service Delivery

Toolkit on Capacities on Digital Government Transformation

UN E-Government Survey 2022

Handbook on Digital Government Capability Assessment

Digital Government Competency Framework of Sri Lanka

Digital Maturity Model for the Government of Sri Lanka

An Integrated Capacity Building Approach for Organizational Digital Government Transformation

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation – Competencies for Civil Servants         


Day 1

Session I – Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development and Trends in Digital Government

Session II – Conducting a Situation Analysis (Interactive Session)

Day 2

Session III – Identifying Priorities and New Approaches for Inclusive Service Delivery

Session IV – Developing a Road Map and Action Planning for Innovation and Digital Government

Session V – Developing a e-Competency Profile of the Public Sector Workforce in Sri Lanka


Day 1 (Video 1) (Video 2)

Day 2


Contact Information


Ms. Adriana Alberti        
Chief, Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit        
E-mail: @email

Ms. Cristina Alicia Rodriguez Acosta        
Inter-Regional Advisor on Innovation and Digital Government        
E-mail: @email


Mr. Kyu Chang Ko        
Head, UN Project Office on Governance        

Mr. Keping Yao        
Sr. Governance and Public Administration Expert        
Email: @email

Ms. Carolit Salvacion        
Associate Networking and Outreach Expert        
Email: @email