
Webinar on "Sustainable Development Goals-Where Do We Stand? Moving Forward - Challenges and Opportunities"

The South Asian Network for Public Administration will hold a webinar on "Sustainable Development Goals-Where Do We Stand? Moving Forward - Challenges and Opportunities" on 15 October 2022, at 5:30 PM (Dhaka, Bangladesh Time). This event will feature esteemed speakers from Australia, Bangladesh, India, Qatar, the Philippines, and Nepal.

Effective governance for transformational change: Strengthening capacities, mindsets and competencies of public…

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ECLAC), is organizing a regional capacity development webinar to launch the Curriculum on Governanc

Capacity Development Workshop and Panel Session on “Advancing innovative partnerships and inclusive governance in…

UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) is organizing two inter-linked capacity development activities under the umbrella of “Advancing innovative and inclusive partnerships and governance in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals” as part of the 2022 International Association of Schools and Institutes of Adm

HLPF 2022 Side-event "Building Back Better: Institution Building and Youth Engagement in Public Services Delivery…

This Side-Event to the HLPF, entitled Building Back Better: Institution Building and Youth Engagement in Public Services Delivery in Countries Emerging from Conflicts will address SDG 4 on quality education, and SDG 5 on gender equality, as well as the principles of effective governance for sustainable development, in particular the principles o

HLPF Side Event: Transforming Institutions to Build Back Greener: the Case for Natural Capital Accounting

The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) and Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting organized this side event, held on 12 July 2022, on the occasion of the high-level political forum.

Capacity Development Workshop on “National Consultations for Interim Institutional Arrangements for advancing Ocean…

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) and the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) - SIDS Unit, in collaboration with the Resident Coordinators Office (RCO) in Jamaica and under the leade

21st Session of UN CEPA

The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) held its twenty-first session at UN Headquarters in New York from 4 to 8 April 2022. The overall theme of the session was “Transforming institutions and governance to build forward better towards 2030”.

AU Capacity Building Workshop on Africa's Voluntary National Reviews for the HLPF 2022 and Domestication of Agenda…

The APRM-UNDESA continental workshop on the "Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and domestication of Agenda 2063" organized in partnership with the SDG Centre for Africa, UNDP, the African Union Commission, and UNDP Regional Centre in Addis Ababa.on 28 & 29 March 2022, aimed to support national capacities of AU memb

Capacity Development Workshop on Institutional Arrangements for Coherent Policy Formulation in the Areas of Climate,…

UN DESA/DPIDG and EAPD, the Namibia Resident Coordinator’s Office, UN ECA, UNDP, FAO and the Namibian National Planning Commission held a hybrid workshop from 7-9 February 2022 in Swakopmund, Namibia to discuss how to develop, transfer and apply the Climate, Land, Energy and Water systems (CLEWs) framework - a tool suited to assess interlinkages

Resilience & Recovery from Covid-19 through Sound Policymaking with a focus on Policy Coherence

The abovementioned partners held a series of virtual workshops on how to promote resilience and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa through sound policymaking. This 3rd workshop was held on 17 January 2022 via the Zoom platform.

United Nations Public Service Awards Ceremony 2021

The 2021 United Nations Public Service Awards Ceremony took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 13 December 2021, under the theme “Innovating the Future Public Service: New Government Models for a New Era to Reach the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Regional Webinars in Africa on Resilience and Recovery from Covid-19 Through Sound Policymaking / Strategic planning…

The abovementioned partners held a series of virtual workshops on how to promote resilience and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa through sound policymaking. The workshops was held on different dates and virtually using the Zoom platform.