The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) and the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) - SIDS Unit, in collaboration with the Resident Coordinators Office (RCO) in Jamaica and under the leadership of the Government of Jamaica, is organizing a Capacity Development Workshop on “National consultations for Interim Institutional Arrangements for advancing Ocean Governance in Jamaica”. It will be held from 27 to 30 June 2022 in Kingston, Jamaica.
The workshop is supported by UN DESA’s Development Account Project DA 1819b entitled “Bridging capacity gaps in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, with a particular focus on SDG 14 and SDG 16” and it is its final activity.
The purpose of the consultation is to strengthen Jamaica’s capacity to develop and implement appropriate enabling legal, institutional and policy frameworks to grow sustainable ocean-based economies and to derive economic benefits from harnessing the productive potential of their ocean spaces. It also aims at eliciting recommendations from a variety of stakeholders on the institutional capabilities (experience, aptitudes, proficiency, and competencies) required to effectively coordinate and implement the review and revision of Jamaica’s national Ocean Coastal Zone Management (OCZM) Policy.
This event will bring together representatives of Civil Society, Non-governmental organizations, relevant Government Ministries, and the private sector in two rounds of a consultative exercise. The total number of participants is expected to be around 30 persons.
Contact Information
Ms. Veronique Verbruggen
Inter-Regional Adviser on Governance and Public Administration
Email: verbruggen2@un.org
Ms. Anya Thomas
Economic Affairs Officer
E-mail: thomas@un.org