The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) held its twenty-first session at UN Headquarters in New York from 4 to 8 April 2022. The overall theme of the session was “Transforming institutions and governance to build forward better towards 2030”. Topics discussed in this year’s session included governance and public administration aspects of the theme of the 2022 ECOSOC session and the 2022 High-level political forum on sustainable development; building strong institutions to combat climate change and its impacts and for the sustainable management, protection and restoration of natural resources; governance and institution-building in conflict-affected countries; the application of the Principles of effective governance for sustainable development at the subnational level; public financial management and budgeting for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); public sector workforce; and digital government. There was also a dialogue with voluntary national review countries on institutional aspects of SDG 16 and a dedicated observer consultation was allowed for an in-depth exchange with different observers, including youth organizations. The Committee adopted an input to the HLPF and a draft resolution for ECOSOC. For more information, click here.