Readiness Assessment Section 8

2. If yes, are these stakeholders:
4. Does the participation process with stakeholders involve a reasonable timeframe for its stated objective? If your answer is no, please explain why not?
5. Does the participation process with stakeholders involve a reasonable timeframe for its stated objective? If no or don't know, please go to question 7.
7. Are the principles of open government applied to the methods and processes of participatory approaches to SDG implementation?
8. Is maintaining relationships with civil society part of the participatory approach?
9. Does your government have mechanisms in place that disclose the rationale for taking or not taking into account the inputs from stakeholders?
11. Is there an accountability mechanism in place that allows public intervention such as petitioning and subsequent review regarding sustainable development related policies? If no or don't know, please go to question 13
13. Are there mechanisms to engage the private sector in the policy process? If no or don't know, please go to question 15
15. Are there mechanisms to engage older persons, youth, persons with disabilities, people living in poverty, indigenous people and other vulnerable groups in the policy process? If no or don't know, please go to question 17
17. Are there mechanisms to engage academics/scientists in the policy process? If no or don't know, please go to question 19.
19. Are initiatives for stakeholders’ engagement in support of policy coherence encouraged or rewarded?
Please check whichever applies. You are a government official with the following responsibilities/ mandate:
Please select whichever applies: