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The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference – Application Open

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Europe and Central Asia | Webinar | NISPAcee
Main Conference Theme: Citizens' Engagement and Empowerment - The Era of Collaborative Innovation in Governance Panel: Politico-Administrative Relations in CEE  Panel: Cultural Policy, Co-creation and Smart Development in CEE Panel: Behavioural Interventions in the Public Sector WG1: Local Government  WG2: E-government WG3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA WG4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development…

Expert Discussion on Data Policy Issues

| English | Russian | Digital Government | Europe and Central Asia | Webinar | IIS
A panel discussion on data policy will be held on 24 November 2020. The meeting is being held by the World Bank in conjunction with the National Center for Digital Economy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Institute for the Development of the Information Society.   In the period from 2019 to 2020, the World Bank, in collaboration with representatives of government authorities, the scientific and educational community and the private…

The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference – Application Open

English | Governance and Public Institutions | Europe and Central Asia | Webinar | NISPAcee
Main Conference Theme: Citizens' Engagement and Empowerment - The Era of Collaborative Innovation in Governance Panel: Politico-Administrative Relations in CEE  Panel: Cultural Policy, Co-creation and Smart Development in CEE Panel: Behavioural Interventions in the Public Sector WG1: Local Government  WG2: E-government WG3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA WG4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development WG5:…