Related SDGs: SDG 16 Keywords: Mindsets, Attitudes, Competencies Language: English Learning Objectives The training toolkit aims to provide a set of methodologies and tools that can contribute to a change in the environment, culture and mindset of public servants in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the context of the 2030 Agenda. The training toolkit approaches transforming mindsets in the public sector as the result of three interlinked factors: transforming mindsets (1) at the institutional level through new human resources laws, regulations, policies and regulations; (2) at the organizational level through a new organizational culture inspired by the principles of the 2030 Agenda; and (3) at the individual level through beliefs, values, competencies and skills. Upon completion of the training, learners will have: - Enhanced knowledge of the underlying principles of the 2030 Agenda; and of why public servants need to change mindsets and behaviors to accelerate action on the SDGs.
- Gained insights about the new values, mindsets, competences, and skills needed to realize the 2030 Agenda.
- Expanded awareness of the changes needed at the individual, organizational, and institutional levels to effectively change mindsets.
- Acquired practical hands-on knowledge (and skills) on how to trigger change at different government levels (individual and organizational).
- Developed a roadmap and an action plan to apply relevant knowledge.
Content and Structure Syllabus
The Toolkit is comprised of the following modules that can be used to conduct a five-day regional or national training capacity development workshop. Selected modules can also be used for shorter trainings and combined with modules of the other Curriculum's Training of Trainers Toolkits.
Welcome & Course Introduction Setting the scene: Why is changing mindsets critical to the implementation of the SDGs? Module 1.1: Setting the Scene Module 1.2: Changing Role of Public Administration Exploring Mindsets: Collaborative Mindset Module 2.1: Exploring Mindsets: Collaborative Mindset
Exploring Mindsets: Learning Mindset Module 3.1: Exploring Mindsets: Learning Mindset Exploring Mindsets: Leadership Mindset Module 4.1: Exploring Mindsets: Leadership Mindset Module 4.2: Changing Mindsets Changing Mindsets: Strategy and Tactics Module 5.1: Strategy and Tactics Module 5.2: Action plan - What does this mean for my role Agenda at a Glance of the 5-day Training Workshop Facilitator's Guidance Manual Targeted Audience Schools of public administration, national experts – government officials, academics, UN Country Teams, and others Additional Information Terms and Conditions of use for the Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs Report on Changing Mindsets to Realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Feedback Survey The Mindset Challenge Approach Customized Training Workshop for Pakistan on Changing Mindsets in Public Institutions to Realize the 2030 Agenda in Pakistan; 24-28 January 2022. [Concept Note and Agenda]; [Facilitator Guidance Manual]; [Indus Basin Case]; [Reading list]; [Activities]; [Download the workshop package] Facilitator's Guidance Manual for a two-day workshop on Changing Mindsets in Public Institutions to Realize the 2030 Agenda
The training toolkit is free of charge. If you have any questions about the toolkit, please send us an email at
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