Interregional Capacity Development Workshop on Digital Government Implementation for SDGs
DPIDG/UNPOG and DGB, in collaboration with UN ESCAP, organized the Interregional Capacity Development Workshop on Digital Government Implementation for SDGs on 23-24 July in Bangkok, Thailand.
Workshop of Supreme Audit Institutions’ Leadership and Stakeholders
Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) Leadership and Stakeholder meeting on “Supreme Audit Institutions making a difference: Auditing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”
Changing Mindsets in Public Sector Institutions
DPDIG has been building the capacities of member states to implement the SDGs, especially by focusing on senior public servants.
2019 United Nations Public Service Forum
The 2019 United Nations Public Service Forum (UNPSF) took place in the Republic of Azerbaijan from 24 to 26 June 2019, under the theme ‘Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through effective Delivery of Services, Innovative Transformation and Accountable Institutions’.
Workshop on “Mobilizing and Equipping Public Servants to Realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” during…
Workshop 7 on “Mobilizing and Equipping Public Servants to Realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was held from 24-25 June 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan during the 2019 United Nations Public Service Forum.
Workshop on “Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” during the United Nations Public Service…
DPIDG, through its Project Office on Governance, organized the Workshop on “Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” with participants diversely represented from LDCs, SIDS, LLDCs and middle- and low-income countries.
Strengthening Capacities of Asia-Pacific Local Authorities to Build Resilient Societies through Disaster Risk Reduction…
DPIDG, through its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), co-organized a four-day training workshop with UNDRR and UNITAR on "Strengthening the Capacities of Asia-Pacific Local Authorities to Build Resilient Societies through Disaster Risk Reduction in Sustainable Development Strategies" from 4-7 June 2019 in Jeju, Republic of Korea.
Expert Group Meeting on “The Future of Digital Government for Sustainable Development in Least Developed Countries,…
The Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), organized an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on the Emerging Trends and Needs of Digital Government in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) an
SDG 16 Conference 2019: Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies
Sunday 26 May, 2019 : In advance of the SDG 16 Conference, the TAP Network and IDLO hosted a pre
Learning Conference on “Holistic Approaches for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the…
15 – 16 May 2019, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago – The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) teamed up and co-organized the Learning Conference
Building Capacities of Public Institutions in SIDS to implement the SAMOA Pathway and the SDGs
The Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations, in collaboration with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government and the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (SIDS Unit), co- organized a SIDS Special E