Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) Leadership and Stakeholder meeting on “Supreme Audit Institutions making a difference: Auditing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”
A meeting on “Supreme Audit Institutions making a difference: Auditing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals” took place in New York, from 22 to 23 July 2019, jointly organized by the United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs (UNDESA) and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI).
The meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of three years of experience in conducting performance audits of government preparedness for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Discussions considered how this experience may inform auditing the implementation of specific SDG goals and targets going forward. The meeting also facilitated an informed dialogue between SAIs and stakeholders regarding the contribution of SAIs and external audits to the SDG review mechanism at different levels.
Read more (URL : https://publicadministration.un.org/en/news-and-events/calendar/ModuleID/1146/ItemID/3010/mctl/EventDetails)