The UNDESA, UN ESCAP, and UNU-EGOV will organize the workshop in a face-to-face setting in Bangkok on 21-23 November 2023. The workshop will comprise six sessions, each of which will be facilitated by competent resource persons and experts from relevant agencies. The proposed agenda and program of work for the workshop are enclosed below.
Objective The workshop in November 2023 aims to:
i) Strengthen national capacities for spreading digitization at the local level, thereby advancing SDG 11, by providing knowledge and technical support;
ii) Increase knowledge of government officials both at national and local levels in utilizing information communication technologies (ICT) and emerging technologies to deliver inclusive public services online;
iii) Create further synergies between national and local digital government development initiatives through a whole-of-government approach and;
iv) Increase awareness and showcase the value of monitoring and evaluating local e-government initiatives.
Simultaneously, this workshop will act as a dynamic forum for knowledge sharing, best practices, and capacity building in local e-government development It will essentially help strengthen collaboration among government agencies, with the support of UN DESA, ESCAP, and UNU-EGOV, both at the national and local levels. Furthermore, it will play a pivotal role in promoting gender equality, disability inclusivity, and the protection of human rights within the digital era.