About the Standards of Excellence for Public Administration Education and Training
The Eight Standards of Excellence were finalized in 2008 almost 15 years ago. While the Standards are still relevant today, they do not refer to recent inter-governmental agreements and to the insights from the work undertaken by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) in the area of education and training. For this purpose, UN DESA and IASIA have set up a Task Force for the review of the Standards of Excellence and are calling for inputs and feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders. Revising and upgrading the Standards of Excellence represents a real opportunity to affect the world for good profoundly. The Standards are being reviewed to mainstream the Sustainable Development Goals and reflect new developments in public administration. The review will be conducted through a global and regional consultative process. The review process will take place between 2023 and 2024. All schools and institutes of public administration, networks, academia and representatives of international, regional and national organizations can contribute their ideas through this online survey.