9th International Conference on Asian Economic Development-Toward Sustainable Development Goals: Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Sustainable Growth

9th International Conference on Asian Economic Development-Toward Sustainable Development Goals: Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Sustainable Growth
2020-07-21 to 2020-07-22
Asia and the Pacific
Organized By


ADBI and Chiang Mai University co-hosted a virtual conference on tackling constraints on poverty reduction and inclusive growth. The focus was on sharing country experiences and best practices for generating quality jobs, promoting small and medium-sized enterprise microcredit and financing, improving human capital development, gender equality, and ensuring social protection.



  • Examine imperatives for achieving the SDG poverty elimination target and inclusive, sustainable growth in Asia and the Pacific

  • Better equip policy makers to set priority policies and resource allocation for meeting these goals

  • Exchange views and experiences pertaining to eradicating poverty, related challenges and progress, development agendas, and policy opportunities


File added date:  June 2021

Organized by: ADBI

URL: https://www.adb.org/news/events/asia-economic-development-sdgs-poverty-eradication-sustainable-growth