ARADO Awards & Prizes

ARADO Awards & Prizes

2020 | Middle East | Governance and Public Institutions | English |

Contributed by ARADO

About Awards & Prizes

In promotion of quality, performance and competition between administrative bodies and individuals, ARADO adopts the awards’ system since 2001. ARADO manages a number of specialized awards. Also, the Organization provides an award for Arab Governmental Administration and “Sharjah Fiscal Award”. ARADO further offers the support required to develop and follow up the implementation of specialized awards by carrying out all the tasks related to establishing new awards in addition to managing and developing existing awards.

List of the Awards:

  • Sharjah Award for Best Doctoral Thesis in Administrative Sciences in the Arab Region.
  • Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Award for the Service of Charity Works.
  • The international Competition of the Best Book on Youth Development.
  • Arab Government Excellence Award.

File added date: March 2021

Awarded by: ARADO