The United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) is part of the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA). Its principal mission is to strengthen the public governance capacities of developing Member States in Asia and the Pacific and beyond to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
UNPOG was established in June 2006 to promote efficient, participatory and transparent governance as an outcome of the 6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government. In response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the mandate of UNPOG has been extended to the end of 2030.
During the past decade, under the supervision of DPIDG and with support from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) of the Government of the Republic of Korea, UNPOG has effectively contributed to the... More
Who We Are
UNPOG’s works with targeted UN Member States to achieve the following expected accomplishments:
Expected Accomplishment 1 Strengthened capacity of governments in target countries to build institutions, at national and local levels, able to support the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets in an integrated, effective, transparent and accountable way.
Expected Accomplishment 2 Enhanced government capacity in target countries to promote innovation for inclusive service delivery in specific sectors, including health, education, job creation, the environment, to support achievement of the SDGs and Targets.
Expected Accomplishment 3 Strengthened government capacity to develop open innovation systems to engage societies, including the poorest and most vulnerable, in designing, delivering and implementing policies for realizing the SDGs, as well as to design and implement effective partnerships.
Holistic approach
Integrating research and policy analysis, capacity development, and networking and outreach work in a seamless way. In this respect, a holistic capacity needs assessment was recently developed.
Holistic approach
Leveraging partnership with relevant international, regional and national agencies and civil society organizations working in the area of public administration to build positive synergies, including networks of experts and schools of public administration.
Action-oriented and sustainable
Ensuring that the benefits and impact on customer countries are sustainable and go beyond the duration of the specific capacity development activities.
Demand driven and customer-centered
Providing capacity development support upon request from Member States and designing capacity development activities to be customized to specific country needs.
The direct beneficiaries of this Project are senior government officials working among ministries and levels of government responsible for various aspects related to the SDGs including government entities responsible for public administration, planning, local development and related institutions. Sub-national authorities, institutes of public administration and management, civil service academies and more will also take part in programme activities of the Project.
In compliance with the general guidelines from UN DESA in capacity development activities, UNPOG is shifting its approach to six countries in special situations that will be identified for targeted technical cooperation every three years until 2030.
There is a specific focus on Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, Small Island Developing States and Middle-Income Countries in Asia and the Pacific, and Eastern Africa as well as countries in similar conditions in other regions around the world.