Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups

Related SDGs: SDG 10, 16   
Keywords: Innovation, Vulnerable Groups, Social Inclusion, Multi-stakeholder Engagement, Innovative Public Service Delivery, ICT and Digital Government

Language: English   

Learning Outcomes   

social inclusionThe training toolkit aims to build capacities to promote government innovation for social inclusion of vulnerable groups by introducing approaches, strategies, and experiences at the national level. It also highlights the importance of empowering vulnerable groups and engaging them in policy design, implementation, and monitoring processes, as agents of change.

Upon completion of the training, learners will have:

  • Gained an understanding of their needs and of why promoting government innovation is key to effectively addressing dynamic, evolving and context-dependent vulnerabilities and demands of vulnerable groups.
  • Assessed and analyzed the progress, status and challenges of a country/organization in fostering government innovation for social inclusion of vulnerable groups through self-assessment, knowledge-sharing, and discussions.
  • Identified and applied various innovative approaches, strategies, and practices for promoting government innovation for social inclusion based on the specific context and needs of each country/organization, particularly for:

    1). Mainstreaming the "leaving no one behind approach" into national development and planning strategies.

    2). Promoting inclusive and participatory governance through engagement of vulnerable groups in decision-making processes, transforming public services delivery systems through co-designing and co-creating services, and building partnerships.

    3). Leveraging digital technologies and digital government as effective means and platforms to deliver inclusive services and better engage vulnerable peoples, while ensuring digital inclusion.

    iv). Prioritizing budget allocation for financing for social inclusion.

  • Enhanced understanding and gained tools to ensure that vulnerable groups can be the agents of change through engagement, empowerment and promoting an inclusive mindset for promoting social inclusion.


Content and Structure

The Toolkit is comprised of the following modules and sessions that can be used to conduct a regional or national training workshop:   
What is Vulnerability? Policy & Legislative Frameworks and Government Innovation Needs    
Module 1: Course Introduction & Overview    
Module 2: Vulnerability and Leaving No One Behind for Achieving the 2030 Agenda   
Module 3: Vulnerability in the Contexts of Economic, Social and Environmental Challenges and Opportunities    
Module 4: Policy and Legislative Frameworks & Government Innovation Needs 

Addressing Root Causes of Vulnerability: Actions, Perspectives, and Governance    
Module 5: Identifying Vulnerability and Vulnerable Groups    
Module 6: Governance Innovation – Towards Inclusive and Participatory Governance    

Implementing Government Innovation and Tracking & Monitoring the Impact of Government Innovation    
Module 13: Financing and Partnerships for Social Inclusion    
Module 14: Measuring Progress: Monitoring & Evaluation of Implementation Efforts    
Module 15: Lessons Learned and Next Steps   

Agenda at a Glance of the 5-day Training Workshop

Trainer's Manual


Targeted Audience
  • Government officials, from both national and local government agencies, working on government innovation, social inclusion/protection or other relevant fields;
  • Schools of public administration and institutes of public management;
  • UN Country Teams and others;
  • Other relevant stakeholders of government innovation, including civil society organizations, the private sector, and academia, will also be actively involved.

Additional Information

Terms and Conditions of use for the Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs   
Feedback Survey   
The training toolkit is free of charge. If you have any questions about the toolkit, please send us an email at   

Download the Toolkit Package