Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Lessons Learned in Post-Conflict State Capacity: Reconstructing Governance and Public Administration Capacities in Post Conflict Countries

Resource Date:
Content Type: Publication
Region: Global
Thematic Area: Governance and Public Institutions
Contributor: UN DESA/DPIDG
Resource Language: English

As part of the efforts to prepare the World Public Sector Report on “Reconstructing Public Administration in Post-Conflict Countries: Challenges, Practices and Lessons Learned”, DPADM organized (in Accra, Ghana in October 2008) an Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting (AEGM) to gather and analyze existing lessons learned and successful practices in this domain. This on-line Publication is a collection of some of the materials presented and discussed during the Expert Group Meeting.

The Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting looked at the challenges in public administration in post-conflict settings out of a broader governance perspective, included a variety of factors that are crucial for the reconstruction of ‘governance’ structures, processes and institutions. The AEGM highlighted some existing ‘success stories’ and ‘success cases’ and attempted to identify factors and aspects that are crucial for success. It also focused on the ‘How to’ – on the strategies that can be identified out of national, regional and international experiences in post-conflict reconstruction.


File added date: August 2021
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