The Peer-to-Peer Learning International Workshop on Public Service Training Assessment Framework for Strengthening Capacities of Public Servants to Support SDG Implementation was held under the responsibility of Juwang Zhu, Director of the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG). Adriana Alberti, Chief, Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit, Mariastefania Senese, Programme Management Officer, DPIDG/ UN DESA, guided and coordinated the event in collaboration with Bokyun Shim, Head of the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and with the support of Keping Yao, Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer, UNPOG, Ana Thorlund, Governance and Public Administration Officer, UNPOG Mi Kyoung Park, Governance and Public Administration Expert, UNPOG, Prabin Maharjan, Associate Research and Policy Analysis Expert , UNPOG Samuel Danaa, Associate Capacity Development Expert, UNPOG, Hye Yong Kim, Associate Research & Policy Analysis Expert, Hye Kyung Choi (Shelley), Programme Assistant, UNPOG, Wooyoung Kim, Administrative Assistant, UNPOG, and Maria Stella Simpas,Senior Administrative Assistant, DPIDG
Mr. Aslam Alam, Executive Director, Bangladesh Institute for Information Literacy and Sustainable Development, and UN DESA consultant, provided support in preparing the workshop, contributing to the organization of the event, conducted research, moderated the workshop, and presented key elements of a public service training assessment framework.
The Report was prepared by Aslam Alam with substantive contributions from UNPOG under the leadership of Mr. Bokyun Shim and reviewed by Adriana Alberti and Stefania Senese. The layout was finalized by Huiwen Tan. The report benefited from presentations, fruitful discussions, comments, and information provided by the workshop panelists from Republic of Korea, China, Thailand, Bhutan, and international experts from the Bureaucracy Lab, World Bank and International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) listed in the Agenda. We are also grateful to all our interns for their support during the workshop.
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