Innovations in Governance from around the World - Success Stories from the Winners of the United Nations Public Service Awards - Fifth Anniversary (2003-2007)
This publication is intended for policy makers, scholars and practitioners who have a keen interest in concrete solutions to governance challenges. Its purpose is to encourage more women and men in the public sector who are working hard to improve citizens’ lives to share with the world their innovations by applying to the United Nations Public Service Awards Programme which is held annually; to recognize the efforts of those who have already won this prestigious Awards by showcasing their successful practices; and to provide UN Member States interested in innovation in governance with useful information and knowledge about practices that have worked on the ground.
In light of the above, the publication is divided into three main parts. The first part gives an overview of what the UNPSA is, who and how to apply, and highlights key aspects of the selection process. The second part of this publication provides a description and brief analysis of the UNPSA winners’ successful practices from 2002 to 2006. The Third Part looks at the winners’ successful stories for the year 2007 and takes stock of some important lessons learned after five years of the Programme’s inception. Finally, it presents key findings on the positive impact that the UNPSA has on further promoting and sustaining innovation in government among its winners.
File added date: October 2021
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