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Arab Forum for Sustainable Development, 2021

| English | Innovation in Service Delivery  | Middle East | Virtual Event | ESCWA
The Arab Forum for Sustainable Development (AFSD) is the primary regional mechanism for the follow up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab region.  AFSD’s outcome formally delivers the voice of the region to the global High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development held annually in New York. The report of the Arab Forum sets out key messages emanating from the regional…

Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) maturity index - 2020

| Arabic | Innovation and Service Delivery | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
GEMS indicator aims to measure the maturity of government services provided through the portal and through mobile applications in the Arab region. It seeks to bridge the gap in most of the international indicators, related to service maturity, its use and user satisfaction. To this end, 84 government services have been identified, and it is necessary for each country to deliver them electronically for individuals and businesses. The principle of…

Open Government: Citizen Engagement Toolkit

| English | Digital Government | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
The citizen engagement toolkit is a brief guide aimed at promoting engagement in and implementation of open government in the Arab region.  Prepared as part of ESCWA open government initiative, the toolkit covers how to design, develop and implement citizen engagement programmes within the implementation of open government that contributes to better governance.   The toolkit is designed with three levels of engagement - participation,…

Open Government: Open Data Toolkit

| English | Digital Government | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
The open data toolkit is a brief guide for initiating, planning, implementing, and evaluating open data programmes in the Arab region.  It includes five sections, covering planning and management, making and updating inventories and catalogues, developing platforms, evaluating, and ensuring open data quality.  The proposed steps are fortified with examples from existing open data initiatives that help clarify the process based national…