The Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal is published twice a year by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It aims to stimulate debate and enrich research in the formulation of policy in the Asia-Pacific region towards the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this issue:
- An emerging but vulnerable middle class: a description of trends in Asia and the Pacific by Orlando Zambrano Roman
- Determinants of over indebtedness among microfinance borrowers: a poverty line-based approach by Sunil Puliyakot
- Fostering peaceful sustainable development in the Pacific under the 2030 agenda by Anna Naupa and Derek Brien
- Water security in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus by Zulfiya Suleimenova
- Paid maternity leave and child mortality in Asia and the Pacific by Grace Puliyel, Hoolda Kim and Sophie Mitra
File added date: March 2021
Author: ESCAP