Displaying 1 - 12 of 13

Handbook on strengthening budget credibility through external audits

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
DPIDG/UN DESA is collaborating with the International Budget Partnership (IBP) to support Supreme Audit Institutions in conducting analyses of the credibility of government budgets through external audits (SDG16.6.1).“Strengthening Budget Credibility through External Audits: An Auditor’s Handbook” is the output of a two-year collaboration between Supreme Audit Institutions, civil society, international organizations, and other public finance…

Report on Building Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions from the UNGASS 2021

| English | French | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), together with the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO) co-organized a side event on the theme of Building Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions at the Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption (UNGASS) 2021. The virtual event was held on…

Report on Transparency, Accountability and Ethics in Public Institutions with a focus on Public Procurement in Kenya

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), together with the Kenya School of Government (KSG) and the Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM), co-organized an online training workshop on Transparency, Accountability and Ethics in Public Institutions with a focus on Public Procurement in Kenya. The two-day virtual workshop was held on the 24th and 25th of March 2021, with each session running for two hours (9:00…

Engaging Citizens for Inclusive Futures: Rebuilding Social Cohesion and Trust through Citizen Dialogues

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | WEF
The COVID-19 pandemic has created severe economic and social disruption, with loss of lives and livelihoods, poverty and inequality on the rise in every country on Earth, presenting a serious threat to social cohesion and global cooperation. Understanding the individual experiences and perceptions of citizens will help chart a path towards a just post-pandemic recovery that puts those most affected at the centre. This report shares the results…

Public Sector Financial Management Training

| English | Participation and Accountability | Africa | Webinar | AAPAM
The practice of efficient PFM is now considered critical in combating corruption, alleviating poverty, and ensuring the effective  use of internal and external resources as an essential part of the development process. Sound PFM supports aggregate control,  prioritization, accountability, and efficiency in the management of public resources and delivery of services, which are critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG'…

International Virtual Conference on the Chilean Experience During the Pandemic

| English | Participation and Accountability | Americas | Webinar | CLAD
The Secretary General of CLAD began the activity by highlighting the work carried out by the representatives of the CLAD member countries to share the experiences of their countries during the pandemic. He pointed out that so far more than half of the 23 countries that are part of the organization have joined this activity, explaining and discussing their experiences and measures taken to face the crisis generated by Covid-19.   Weber…

Resilient Institutions in Times of Crisis: Transparency, Accountability and Participation at the National Level Key to Effective Response to COVID-19

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Policy Brief | UN DESA/DPIDG
National institutions are strongly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19). The pandemic has disrupted to varying extents the regular functioning of state institutions, such as parliaments and justice systems, and affected key government functions and processes, undermining the effectiveness of government action. The need to respond quickly and with drastic measures has also created additional risks for institutional processes and organisations.…

E-Mutation – Bangladesh

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Innovative Practice | UN DESA/DPIDG
Initiative: e-Mutation     Institution: Ministry of Land, Bangladesh   Problem: Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries in the world, has a both a land scarcity problem and a complex property transfer system. The mutation of land (the method of changing the title of ownership from one person to another when the property is inherited, transferred or sold) has long been a lengthy, expensive and complex process rife with…

Compendium of Innovative Practices of Citizen Engagement by Supreme Audit Institutions for Public Accountability

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
The Compendium of Innovative Practices of Citizen Engagement by Supreme Audit Institutions for Public accountability provides an overview of successful examples and innovations in the engagement of citizens in public accountability processes through Supreme Audit Institutions. The purpose of this book is to disseminate, through comparitive case studies and analysis, and conceptual frameworks, information about innovative and successful practices…

Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Engaging Citizens to Enhance Public Sector Accountability and Prevent Corruption in the Delivery of Public Services

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
The Development Management Branch of the Division for Public Administration and Development Management of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DMB/DPADM/UNDESA) convened an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Engaging Citizens to Enhance Public Sector Accountability and to Prevent Corruption in the Delivery of Public Services, held at the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, Austria on 7-8 July 2011. This Report describes…

Report on the Expert Group Meeting on Citizen Engagement in Climate Change Governance: Citizens for a Sustainable Future

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
The UNDESA-DPADM supported Kyung Hee University, South Korea, in its World Civic Forum 2009 initiative, held from 5 to 8 May 2009 in Seoul, Korea. The overarching theme of the forum was Building Our Humanitarian Planet, espoused by three sub-themes: 1. Civic Values for Global Justice; 2. Civic Engagement in Public and Global Governance; and 3. Civic Action for the Global Agenda including Climate Change.   As a reflection of the third sub-theme…

Civic Engagement in Public Policies: A Toolkit

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
This toolkit highlights emerging innovative processes, methods and mechanisms that foster the engagement of civil society, the private sector and citizens in general in public policies. It aims to assist governments, civil society and other relevant stakeholders in having a common and shared understanding of civic engagement and the necessary knowledge and capacity to establish, design, formulate, implement, evaluate and monitor public and socio…