Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Handbook on Social Value in Local Governments
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG/UNPOG
This handbook furthers the discussion on the premise that social value is the main axis of the paradigm shift of local governments oriented towards traditional development administration. The handbook focuses on what should be done by local governments to spread social value, directly accommodating the demands of residents. The handbook presents the actions local governments must take to promote social values as five means, based on a new…
Handbook on Strengthening Resilience in Cities and Local Communities Through Innovation and Digital Government
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG/UNPOG
This handbook introduces the reader to concepts, approaches, tools, exercises and innovative cases to Strengthen Resilience in Cities and Local Communities through Innovation and Digital Government. The handbook guides the reader towards roadmaps, policy toolkits, manuals and peer support to help cities and local communities better invest in practical action to strengthen resilience. This handbook builds on global good practices on effective…
Handbook on Digital Transformation in Local Government
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG/UNPOG
This handbook is one in a series on Innovative Local Governance for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) of the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), in collaboration with the Korea Research Institute for Local Administration (KRILA). The series includes six…
Handbook on Effective National to Local Governance for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG/UNPOG
This handbook introduces the reader to concepts, approaches, tools, exercises and innovative cases relating to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. The handbook guides the reader towards roadmaps, policy toolkits, manuals and peer support to help cities and local communities better invest in practical actions on climate change. This handbook builds on global good practice and the Training Toolkit on “Effective National to Local Public…
Handbook on Fostering Collaborative Public Administration for Local Governments
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG/UNPOG
This handbook explains the concepts, attributes and approaches of collaborative administration and specifically introduces practical cases of collaborative public administration in local governments in the Republic of Korea. Collaborative public administration is recognized as a method that can effectively respond to complex and diverse administrative demands, but there are many obstacles in applying it on a practical level. This handbook…
Handbook on Promoting Local Innovation for Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations and Leaving No One Behind
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG/UNPOG
This handbook on “Promoting Local Innovation for Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations and Leaving No One Behind” is part of the Handbook Series on “Innovative Local Governance for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”, a collaboration between the UN Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), an integral part of the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the UN Department of Economic and Social…