
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Governing Smart Cities: Policy Benchmarks for Ethical and Responsible Smart City Development

| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | WEF
This report, Governing Smart Cities, provides a benchmark for cities looking to establish policies for ethical and responsible governance of their smart city programmes. It explores current practices relating to five foundational policies: ICT accessibility, privacy impact assessment, cyber accountability, digital infrastructure and open data. The findings are based on surveys and interviews with policy experts and city government officials from…

Engaging Citizens for Inclusive Futures: Rebuilding Social Cohesion and Trust through Citizen Dialogues

| English | Participation and Accountability | Global | Publication | WEF
The COVID-19 pandemic has created severe economic and social disruption, with loss of lives and livelihoods, poverty and inequality on the rise in every country on Earth, presenting a serious threat to social cohesion and global cooperation. Understanding the individual experiences and perceptions of citizens will help chart a path towards a just post-pandemic recovery that puts those most affected at the centre. This report shares the results…

Rebuilding Trust and Governance: Towards Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT)

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Publication | WEF
This White Paper provides a bird’s-eye view of the governance challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with trust as the central theme. In cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and Japanese companies and academia, the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan is working to find solutions to common challenges that exist at the root of various fields. As part of the effort, this…

Sustainable Development Impact Summit

| English | Innovation in Service Delivery  | Global | Webinar | WEF
The COVID-19 crisis wreaked havoc on societies and economies and dealt a major setback to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. Putting the world back on a path of sustainable, equitable, and inclusive growth will require more than a global recovery; it will require a Great Reset of social and economic systems.   Taking place in the context of the United Nations General Assembly, the World Economic Forum’s fourth and, for…

Accelerating Digital Inclusion in the New Normal

| English | Digital Government | Global | Publication | WEF
COVID-19 has highlighted how critical digital connectivity is to governments, businesses, and society, and has brought a newfound sense of urgency to the digital inclusion agenda. While the crisis has enabled hundreds of millions to participate online, it has also exacerbated the digital divide for 47% of the world’s population that remains unconnected. The post-COVID world will be more digital – requiring more connectivity, digital skills, and…