The Annual Conference 2021 is expected to attract papers that will invigorate discussion on the possible methods of citizens' empowerment in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region, in connection to its developments/traditions, governance practices, regulatory framework, financial capacity, public policy, digitalisation processes, human resource management and public administration itself. This topic can be elaborated upon by experts, researchers and scholars from different disciplines, not only during the main session, but also in working groups and panel sessions.
Civic participation and empowerment refer to a condition in which every citizen has the means to actively engage. This set also includes political processes, but the theme of the conference is designed much more broadly, so that civic participation and empowerment can be viewed in terms of all aspects, which consequently affect their everyday quality of life.
File added date: June 2021
Organized by: NISPAcee
URL: https://www.nispa.org/conference2021.php?sid=2211&cid=29