Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
2021 UN Public Service Awards
| English | Innovation and Service Delivery | Global | Award Programme | UN DESA/DPIDG
The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated 23 June as the United Nations Public Service Day to "celebrate the value and virtue of service to the community". The UN Public Service Day intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants and encourage young people to pursue careers in the…
The Mzia Mikeladze PhD Thesis Award
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Europe and Central Asia | Award Programme | NISPAcee
The Mzia Mikeladze PhD Thesis Award aims to promote research by young scholars on public administration and public policy in the NISPAcee region and to acknowledge outstanding work and a significant contribution in the field. The award was created in recognition of Mzia Mikeladze’s contributions to the discipline, professionalism, and organisation of NISPAcee.
The PhD Thesis Award is a recognition which is announced and presented during the…
The AAPAM Gold Medal Award
| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Africa | Award Programme | AAPAM
The AAPAM Gold Medal Award marks the exceptional achievement of an individual who has shown distinctive leadership or has made a significant contribution to excellence in public administration and management in Africa. Awarded after every three years, the AAPAM Gold Medal is the highest honour accorded by AAPAM to outstanding public service.
Gold Medal Past Winners Dr. Najat Zarrouk (Kingdom of Morocco), in 2018
Amb. Francis Muthaura (…
IPAC Award For Innovative Management Award
| English | Innovation and Service Delivery | Americas | Award Programme | IPAC/IAPC
The IPAC Award for Innovative Management Award aims to recognize and encourage innovation in all public organizations and across all orders of governments. It also provides an opportunity to share these good ideas with others. Past award recipients have developed new approaches to combat homelessness, tax fraud, and improve opportunities for Aboriginal communities.
Every year, the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC)…
ESCWA Award for Gender Equality
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Middle East | Award Programme | ESCWA
The first ESCWA Award on Advancing Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women was presented by Ms. Rima Khalaf, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), to three staff members. The award is delivered for the first time and constitutes a milestone for ESCWA, which is integrating gender perspectives in its plans, policies and programmes.
At a ceremony held…
Awarded for the Merit in the Regulatory Reform
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Award Programme | KIPA
KIPA received an award from the prime minister for the ‘merit in the regulatory reform’ at the Government Complex-Seoul on 31 July, 2020. KIPA has been consistently putting efforts in researches on the regulatory reform. Specifically, KIPA was recognized for its contribution in regulatory reform and effective evaluation on the government regulations through construction and review of regulatory impact analysis reports in the administration and…
4th WeGO Awards
| English | Local Governance | Global | Award Programme | WeGO
The 4th WeGO Awards is a triennal competition that recognises and promotes local governments with exemplary projects and solutions that use ICT to help improve the quality of life of citizens.
All local governments, smart tech solution providers, and public organisations around the world, both members and non-members of WeGO, are eligible to apply. Smart tech solution providers and public organisations are also eligible to apply…
The Public Administration Awards in the Western Balkans (the PA Awards)
| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Europe and Central Asia | Award Programme | ReSPA
The Public Administration Awards in the Western Balkans (the PA Awards) are unique awards system initiated by ReSPAand OECD/SIGMA aimed to enhance governance initiatives and support the establishment of strong public governance systems in the Western Balkan region.The 2020 Awards will focus on successful responses by the Western Balkan administrations to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. This crisis has forced governments to be…