
Displaying 97 - 108 of 225

35th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts for North Africa

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Africa | Webinar | ECA
The Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts for North Africa (ICSOE) is a statutory, deliberative body responsible for the strategic direction of the activities of the ECA Office for North Africa.   The Committee meets annually to consider the Office’s activity report, achieved results, work programme and strategic orientations in accordance with the development priorities of the North African countries.   This annual…

Institute of Public Administration of Canada’s 2020 Annual Conference: Building the New Normal

| English | Local Governance | Americas | Webinar | IPAC/IAPC
While this year's conference will be different in many ways, we look forward to collaborating, networking and learning virtually.We want to thank our partners, stakeholders, vendors, speakers and dedicated volunteers for their support, commitment and understanding as we transition this year's annual conference online.  This year's conference theme, Building the New Normal , will be held virtually and will tackle the public sectors latest…

Dubai Policy Review 2

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Middle East | Policy Brief | ESCWA
Can smart cities help us achieve true sustainable development? With merely a decade to go to deliver on the 2030 agenda and the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), digital development is seen as a forceful catalyst that can help governments close developmental gaps and accelerate progress. In particular, smart and sustainable cities are becoming microcosms of policy and governance transformation challenges we face in our drive…

International Virtual Conference on the Chilean Experience During the Pandemic

| English | Participation and Accountability | Americas | Webinar | CLAD
The Secretary General of CLAD began the activity by highlighting the work carried out by the representatives of the CLAD member countries to share the experiences of their countries during the pandemic. He pointed out that so far more than half of the 23 countries that are part of the organization have joined this activity, explaining and discussing their experiences and measures taken to face the crisis generated by Covid-19.   Weber…

Internet Governance Forum 2020

| English | Digital Government | Global | Event | UN DESA/DPIDG
Internet governance was one of the most controversial issues at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and at the subsequent WSIS+10 review by the General Assembly in the wake of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Cognizant of the fact that any Internet governance approach should be inclusive and responsive, the WSIS mandated the Secretary-General of the United Nations to convene the Global Internet…

E-Handbook on SDG Framework and Metadata: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Training of Trainer’s Toolkit | ESCWA
E-Handbook on SDG Framework and Metadata provide Up- to-date information on the Sustainable Development indicators, their Tier category and the official metadata as per custodian agency.  The E-Handbook is a resourceful tool that includes, where available, background information, country examples, and other resources to provide in-depth knowledge to data producers and users to improve collection, compilation and analysis. This document contains…

The AAPAM Gold Medal Award

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Africa | Award Programme | AAPAM
The AAPAM Gold Medal Award marks the exceptional achievement of an individual who has shown distinctive leadership or has made a significant contribution to excellence in public administration and management in Africa. Awarded after every three years, the AAPAM Gold Medal is the highest honour accorded by AAPAM to outstanding public service. Gold Medal Past Winners Dr. Najat Zarrouk (Kingdom of Morocco), in 2018    Amb. Francis Muthaura (…

Integrating Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption in Socio-Economic Impact Analyses​

| English | Digital Government | Africa | Policy Brief | ECA
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought chaos, uncertainty and supply chain disruptions to the global economy, impacted lives and livelihoods, and tested the resilience of governance systems, institutions and mechanisms in responding to the crisis. As the technical lead for the socio-economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UN system, UNDP and its Country Offices worldwide are working to assess the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19…

Building an AI Nation: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence Adoption through Agile Policymaking – The Case of the UAE

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
We live in a world of rapid change that may be best characterized as a ‘VUCA world’: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Effectively, it is a new world where old laws and rules no longer apply. The advanced technologies of the digital age are disrupting ‘business as usual’ and no industry is immune. Not to be left behind, governments have to predict the future by imagining what the world will be like and ‘adapt’ at the same pace, all…

Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) Maturity

| English | Digital Government | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
GEMS indicator aims to measure the maturity of government services provided through the portal and through mobile applications in the Arab region. It seeks to bridge the gap in most of the international indicators, related to service maturity, its use and user satisfaction. To this end, 84 government services have been identified, and it is necessary for each country to deliver them electronically for individuals and businesses. The principle of…

From Colonization to Reconciliation: Increasing the Collaborative Capacity of Public Servants

| English | Spanish | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Americas | Publication | IPAC/IAPC
In call to action 57, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls upon federal, provincial, and territorial governments to enhance the skills and knowledge of public servants. Leveraging collaboration theory and collaborative capacity, this article delves deeper into the skills, attitudes, and knowledge required of public servants who regularly work with First Nations organizations and governments. Using findings from a health care…

Asia-Pacific Governance Watch, Issue 205

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Journal | RCOCI
This report covers various topic of Asia and the Pacific governance, such as 1) government policy and legislation; 2) government system and civil services; 3) management, capacity building and innovation; 4) economic and social development and ICT; 5) public finance; and 6) private sector    File added date: March 2021 Author: RCOCI Download Publication: English URL: N/A