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Technology and Innovation for Land Transport Development in the Arab Region

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Webinar | ESCWA
The Arab region has the lowest representation of women in political life globally and is ranked the lowest in political participation on the gender gap index. This holds true at all levels of governance, including the parliament, government, civil service, judiciary and local councils. Women’s poor political representation also reflects their lower rates of political participation, which make them a less sought-after body of voters and limit the…

E-Handbook on SDG Framework and Metadata: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Training of Trainer’s Toolkit | ESCWA
E-Handbook on SDG Framework and Metadata provide Up- to-date information on the Sustainable Development indicators, their Tier category and the official metadata as per custodian agency.  The E-Handbook is a resourceful tool that includes, where available, background information, country examples, and other resources to provide in-depth knowledge to data producers and users to improve collection, compilation and analysis. This document contains…

Building an AI Nation: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence Adoption through Agile Policymaking – The Case of the UAE

| English | Leadership and Public Servants’ Capacities | Middle East | Publication | ESCWA
We live in a world of rapid change that may be best characterized as a ‘VUCA world’: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Effectively, it is a new world where old laws and rules no longer apply. The advanced technologies of the digital age are disrupting ‘business as usual’ and no industry is immune. Not to be left behind, governments have to predict the future by imagining what the world will be like and ‘adapt’ at the same pace, all…