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KIPA Public Policy Review, Vol.1 Inaugural Issue

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Publication | KIPA
The Public Policy Review is a policy-oriented journal that aims to link research and policy in the field of public administration and governance. It further seeks to make contributions to public policy development and implementation via sharing robust policy research outcomes and best policy practices across the world. It will serve as a premier venue for researches in the area and contribute to the development practices within governance. The…

Government Innovation Strategies in the Post COVID-19 Era Implications Based on the Analyses of Korean COVID-19 Response Cases

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Publication | KIPA
Government Innovation Strategies in the Post COVID-19 Era : Implications based on the analyses of Korean COVID-19 response cases 1. Government Innovation: crucial roles in a crisis   2. Case Study: Combining speed, cooperation, creativity and experimentation 3. Government innovation strategies in the post COVID-19 era   File added date: March 2021 Author: KIPA URL:https://www.kipa.re.kr/site/eng/research/selectBasicView.do;jsessionid=…

Awarded for the Merit in the Regulatory Reform

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Asia and the Pacific | Award Programme | KIPA
KIPA received an award from the prime minister for the ‘merit in the regulatory reform’ at the Government Complex-Seoul on 31 July, 2020. KIPA has been consistently putting efforts in researches on the regulatory reform. Specifically, KIPA was recognized for its contribution in regulatory reform and effective evaluation on the government regulations through construction and review of regulatory impact analysis reports in the administration and…