The world has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had profound impacts on individuals, organizations, and societies. As a result, countries are now facing major setbacks in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Though many countries and many cities are…
The report of the 21st session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA), held in April 2022, is now available in the six official UN languages.
A key message of the session was that, to build forward from the COVID-19 pandemic and advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda,…
In collaboration with its organizing partners, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University held its first international online conference on “Roles of Social Sciences in Sustainability Transformation in the Global South” on 9 June 2022. This conference explored how…
UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) advances effective, accountable and inclusive governance and public institutions for sustainable development, including through innovation, digital government and digital transformation. The Division provides capacity…
A Hippocratic oath for the coming generations
Climate change is the biggest health challenge in the world today. It poses a steadily increasing direct and indirect threat to future generations.
Humans are facing unprecedented challenges, first and foremost related to climate change, nature loss…
Job Openings in UNDESA New York:
Sustainable Development Officer (P3), 174999, Deadline: 17/04/2022, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK :…
The IIAS-EUROMENA 2022 Conference on Next Generation Governance and Young Global Public Administration called for papers for its MENA Track on « Digitalization and Emerging Technologies for Resilience and Recovery. The Conference is due to take place on June 27-July 1 in Rome, Italy. …
This report summarizes the key highlights and messages that were conveyed by the facilitators, speakers, and participants during the Regional Webinar Series on “How to Promote Resilience and Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa through Sound Policymaking” held respectively on 16 November,…
The Journal for Public Sector Economics called for papers for the thematic issue on "Challenges of effective governance for sustainable development at subnational government levels". The editors welcomed theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions analyzing the challenges and policy…
This report provides a snapshot of the capacity development activities undertaken by UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) in 2021. During 2021 DPIDG:
Organized 30+ capacity development activities with 79 webinars and a total reach of 25,000 people…
Almost two years into the pandemic, many countries in Asia began to rethink and recalibrate their pandemic management strategies. Some have been generally successful in keeping COVID-19 at bay, while others have been forced into severe mobility restrictions and lockdowns several times already to…
New Policy Briefs contributed by UN DESA/DPIDG are now available in the UN DESA Policy Brief series.
The brief on Connecting the Dots: The Still Elusive Synergies Between Accountability Institutions and the Follow-up and Review of the Sustainable Development Goals discusses the critical…