“Celebrating and Honoring Workers in the Waste Management Sector: Peer Learning between Mayors and Workers' Representatives”
Concept Note and Agenda (English)
Concept Note and Agenda (French)
Concept Note and Agenda (Arabic)
General objective:
Celebration of the United Nations Public Service Day and honoring the Human Capital of the Waste Management Sector in African Cities.
- UCLG Africa through its African Local Government Academy ;
- The Public Services International (PSI);
- The Local and Regional Governments (Cities/Communes/Municipalities) involved in the Pilot Program;
- The Unions and Representatives of workers, in particular those in the Waste Sector.
Date and place: Monday, June 26, 2023 from 02:00pm to 05:30pm (Rabat Local Time) (UTC+1), on UCLG Africa's Zoom Platform.
Working languages: English, Arabic, French, and Portuguese.
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvcu2hqTIqH9Ln9HS9s7TPme4wAQZRxVv3
Target Audience:
- Representatives of Governments;
- Representatives of Local and Regional Governments;
- Trade unions and workers' Representatives;
- Representatives of International Organizations;
- Civil servants, managers and territorial employees;
- Training and Capacity Building Actors (Universities, Schools, Institutes, Research Centers...);
- Representatives of the Private Sector;
- Representatives of Civil Society;
- Students.
Contact Information
UCLG Africa:
Dr. Najat Zarrouk; Email: Nzarrouk@uclga.org
Ms. Fariath Chabi; Email: fchabi@uclga.org
Mr Koffi Abalo; Email: kabalo@uclga.org
Ms. Abir Achour; Email: aachour@uclga.org
Ms. Hala Menkari; Email: hmenkari@uclga.org
Ms. Daria Cibrario; Email: daria.cibrario@world-psi.org
Ms. Najwa Hanna; Email: najwa.hanna@world-psi.org
Ms. Charlotte Kalanbani; Email: charlotte.kalanbani@world-psi.org