Readiness Assessment Section 2

1. Is there a commitment and engagement from the leadership at all levels of government for policy coherence? If no or don't know, please go to question 3
2. If there are commitment and engagement from the leadership at all levels of government for policy coherence, please tick the relevant box/s:
3. Have the SDGs been integrated in the curricula of the schools of public administration/institutes of public management?
4. Have human resources been allocated to implement the mandated activities of the entity (e.g., inter-ministerial unit, etc.) of the coordinating body in charge of policy coherence?
6. Has the government developed a competency framework to identify and strengthen the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes required for policy coherence? if no or don't know, please go to question 8.
8. In order to change public servants’ mindsets, are there mechanisms in place to ensure the internalization of principles and values related to policy coherence? If no or don't know, please go to question 10
10. Is there a system in place to facilitate staff movement across divisions/ ministries? If no or don't know, please go to question 12
14. Is there increased awareness among public servants to collaborate and work? If no or don't know, please go to question 17.
15. If you answered yes to the previous question, please tick all the relevant boxes below:
17. Do training programs exist to support capacity development in the field of: (please check all boxes that apply)
18. Please rate the extent to which your government has the capacities to ensure that social, economic and environmental dimensions in each policy are considered at the level of Policy Planning
19. Please rate the extent to which your government has the capacities to ensure that social, economic and environmental dimensions in each policy are considered at the level of Policy Design
20. Please rate the extent to which your government has the capacities to ensure that social, economic and environmental dimensions in each policy are considered at the level of Policy Implementation
21. Please rate the extent to which your government has the capacities to ensure that social, economic and environmental dimensions in each policy are considered at the level of Monitoring and Evaluation
23. In order to change mindsets within government and across levels of government, has the unit in charge of policy coherence promoted collaborative, strategic and forward-looking mindsets through the following initiatives in support of policy coherence for sustainable development as part of the Agenda 2030? (please check all boxes that apply)
Please check whichever applies. You are a government official with the following responsibilities/ mandate:
Please select whichever applies: