The IGF Secretariat in cooperation with the next year's IGF Host Country, Government of Poland and Polish Research and Academic Computer Network - NASK , UN DESA (through its Division for Inclusive Social Development and youth programmes, e.g. youth envoys), Internet Society, Youth Coalition on Internet governance (YCIG) in consultations with Youth IGF initiatives, Youth Observatory, Youth IGF Movement, its intersessional workstreams and interested schools on Internet governance, is committed to engaging youth in the IGF 2020 processes.
The overall engagement structure, as explained in this strategy document, will develop around:
- Outreach toward youth to get involved in the IGF 2020 processes and be informed about other larger global initiatives of interest
- IGF 2020 newsletter for youth
- Capturing good practices on youth engagement in Internet governance in a publication
- Networking opportunities at the IGF 2020
- Global Youth Summit at the IGF 2020 (5 November, 16:30-18:30 UTC)
IGF 2020 public open consultations with youth
Throughout 2020, there will be several open online consultations with youth and those interested in supporting and working with youth. The consultations will focus on the youth advising how the above-referenced engagement structure could be implemented. The consultations will be run through the NRIs mailing list and open webinars. Read more