Workshop 7 on “Mobilizing and Equipping Public Servants to Realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was held from 24-25 June 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan during the 2019 United Nations Public Service Forum. Over 40 participants attended the Workshop and discussed the key mindsets, values and skills that can help support public service transformation to achieve the SDGs. Mr. Nikhil Seth, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR delivered the keynote speech which was followed by regional trends in mainstreaming the SDGs in the curricula of schools of public administration and country presentations showcasing the changes they have already implemented in professionalizing public service to achieve the SDGs. Experts and practitioners shared tools and methodologies that can accelerate transformation of public administration in line with key SDG targets. Participants agreed that with less than eleven years remaining to achieve the 2030 Agenda, working with a sense of urgency is imperative, strengthening public institutions through internalization of values, beliefs, mindsets and the principles for effective governance. This included closing the intention-action gap, shift in business-as-usual in public administration to ensure no one is left behind, and breaking down the “us” vs “them” dynamics in public service. All participants were very engaged in the interactive session and highly appreciated this opportunity for knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices to effectively change mindsets and drive change towards the implementation of the SDGs. Read more