Related SDGs: SDG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17 Keywords: Innovation, Digital Government Language: English Learning Objectives The training toolkit contains a set of comprehensive training materials aimed at strengthening the capacities of government officials to promote innovation for SDG implementation. Upon completion of the training, learners will have: - Assessed how their government institutions support service delivery for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs.
- Mapped public services in the context of their National Development Plan and the SDGs.
- Conducted a Visioning Exercise on what inclusive, effective, efficient, responsive and resilient public service delivery would look like in the future.
- Examined the innovation challenges and opportunities, capacity gaps and strengths vis-à-vis various dimensions of public service delivery: 1) responsiveness, 2) quality, 3) affordability, 4) accessibility and 5) people-orientation.
- Designed a Roadmap and Action Plan to identify priorities for innovation; which institutions will do what and how; baseline and action planning cooperation framework; examples and case studies of inclusive, effective, responsive and resilient service delivery.
- Gained an understanding of the importance of evaluation frameworks and how to use them.
- Applied systems thinking and stakeholder analysis to the promotion of innovation in service delivery.
- Explored and applied to one’s own context new methodologies and approaches to promote innovation, such as innovation labs, design thinking, and feedback mechanisms.
Content and Structure Toolkit at a Glance
The Toolkit is comprised of the following modules and sessions that can be used to conduct a regional or national training Syllabus Course Overview Understanding the role of government, public service, innovation and digital transformation in realizing the Agenda 2030 Module 1.1. Welcome & Introduction to the Course Module 1.2. Government, Public Service and the Agenda 2030 Module 1.3. Our National Development Plan Module 1.4. Innovation, Digital Transformation and Digital Government Module 1.5. Realizing Digital Government Transformation Module 1.6. Building Situational Awareness through a DTCA Exploring Key Concepts and Conducting the Digital Transformation Assessment Module 2.1. Welcome and Introduction to Day 2 Module 2.2. Innovation and Digital Government: Principles and Strategies to Innovate in Public Service Delivery Module 2.3. Building Situational Awareness with the DTCA Module 2.4. Systems Thinking and Situational Awareness Module 2.5. Introduction to Components of Action Planning Part 1
Mapping the Institutional Environment Module 3.1. Welcome and Introduction to Day 3 Module 3.2. Implications for the Realization of the NDP Module 3.3. Public Value Framework Part 1 Module 3.4. Enabling change: Innovation Labs and Design Thinking Module 3.5. Case Study: UNCEF’s Kosovo Innovation Lab
Toward a Road Map and Action Plan Module 4.1. Welcome and Introduction to Day 4 Module 4.2. Tools and Techniques for Building Situational Awareness Module 4.3. Do-ability vs Priority Analysis Module 4.4. Action Planning Part 2 Module 4.5 Case Study: UNDP Working Toward Results and Accountability in the Public Sector in Malawi
Bridging Gaps in Public Service and Public Service Delivery Action Plans Module 5.1. Welcome and Introduction to Day 5 Module 5.2. Plenary Discussion Prioritizing Recommended Actions Module 5.3. What Needs to Change? What Change Will Create the Most Value? Module 5.4. Case Study: Socio-Technical View of Innovation Module 5.5. Looking Ahead Module 5.6. Course Evaluation and Closing Ceremony Agenda at a Glance of the 5-day Training Workshop Trainer's Manual
Download the Toolkit Packages Targeted Audience Schools of public administration, national experts – government officials, academics, UN Country Teams, and others Additional Information Terms and Conditions of use for the Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs
Piloting of the Toolkit in the Caribbean Region: Piloting of the Toolkit: Facilitated Online Capacity Development Workshop Report of the Workshop [single pages version] [spreadsheets version] Abridged Version of the Training Material Facilitator's Guidance for Facilitated Online Capacity Development Training
Video of the Toolkit Fact Sheet of the Toolkit Feedback Survey
The training toolkit is free of charge. If you have any questions about the toolkit, please send us an email at |