Strengthening Institutional Arrangements and Governance Capacities for Policy Coherence

Related SDGs: SDG 16, 17,14.1 
Keywords: Policy Coherence 
Language: English 

Learning Outcomes 

policy coherence

The primary objective of the training toolkit is to support UN Member States in developing their governance capacities and institutional arrangements for policy coherence. The toolkit focuses on public institutions’ capacity to spearhead integrated planning, policymaking, decision making, implementation, M&E and aligning budgets at the national government level. The toolkit is aimed at supporting build capacities for a whole of government and whole of society approach by examining the core role of a strategy to implement the SDGs, the roles and responsibilities of different government institutions and non-government actors involved and how they are coordinated. The toolkit also touches upon which human, financial, and technological resources are needed to strengthen those institutions.​

Upon completion of the training, learners will have:​

  • Understood why institutional arrangements for policy coherence are key for implementing Agenda 2030.
  • Gained the tools and approaches available to act upon it/ to ensure that the participant can identify, quantify, and consider the trade-offs and synergies between SDGs into policy making, decision making, implementation and review.
  • Conducted an institutional needs' assessment to identify the key gaps that would require strengthening to enhance institutional coherence at the national level.
  • Gained insights of the different building blocks and indicators for policy coherence as entry points for the improvement of whole of government/integrated approaches.
  • Developed a strategy and roadmap for institutional change to support policy coherence and implement actions in support of institutional coherence. ​


Content and Structure

Course Overview

The Toolkit is comprised of the following modules and sessions that can be used to conduct a regional or national training: 
Institutional Readiness and Capacities for Policy Coherence to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals  
Welcome & Course Introduction 
Module 1: Institutional Capacities for Policy Coherence  
Module 2: Assessing Institutional Readiness for Policy Coherence 

Organizational Structures for Inter-Ministerial Collaboration, Use of Technologies for a Whole-of-Government Approach & Aligning Budgets to Policy Priorities  
Module 3: Planning for SDG Implementation: Organizational Structures for Inter-ministerial Collaboration 
Module 4: Aligned Budgeting, Integrated Financial Framework & Regulatory Quality Instruments for Coherent Implementation of the SDGs  ​ 

Transformational Leadership, Changing Mindsets and Reaching out to Stakeholders for Policy Coherence 
Module 5: Performance Management & Changing the Political and Administrative Culture for Policy Coherence  
Module 6: Stakeholder Participation in the SDG Policy Cycle 

Monitoring, Evaluation and Data for Policy Coherence  
Module 7: Policy Coherence on Track? Monitoring and Evaluation  
Module 8: Data for Evidence-informed Policymaking  

Multi-level Governance and Action for Policy Coherence 
​Module 9: Policy Coherence and Multi-level Governance: From Local to National to International Cooperation  
Action Plan for Policy Coherence

Agenda at a Glance of the 5-day Training Workshop 

Facilitator's Guide Manual

Targeted Audience 
National experts – government officials, academics, UN Country Teams, and others

Additional Information 
Terms and Conditions of use for the Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs 
Readiness Assessment of Institutional Arrangements for Policy Coherence  
Feedback Survey 
The training toolkit is free of charge. If you have any questions about the toolkit, please send us an email at

Download the Toolkit Package