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Dubai Policy Review 2

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Middle East | Policy Brief | ESCWA
Can smart cities help us achieve true sustainable development? With merely a decade to go to deliver on the 2030 agenda and the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), digital development is seen as a forceful catalyst that can help governments close developmental gaps and accelerate progress. In particular, smart and sustainable cities are becoming microcosms of policy and governance transformation challenges we face in our drive…

COVID-19: Reaffirming State-People Governance Relationships

| English | Governance and Public Institutions | Global | Policy Brief | UN DESA/DPIDG
The emergence and spread of the coronavirus in late 2019 and the impact of its disease, COVID-19, which has been categorized by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic, is, at the time of writing, ongoing.   Efforts by governments to try to control the pandemic’s spread while managing its wide-ranging impacts demonstrate the critical role of the relationship between state and people in shaping and determining government responses,…