The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) of the Government of Bhutan, in collaboration with UN DESA/DPIDG and its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and with the support of the UN Resident Coordinator Office in Bhutan, organized a virtual peer-to-peer learning international workshop on public service training assessment framework for strengthening capacities of public servants to support the implementation of the SDGs. The workshop was a follow-up activity to UN DESA’s Development Account Project on Institutional arrangements for policy integration, coordination and stakeholder engagement in SDG implementation and reviews in Asia & the Pacific.
The workshop aimed to promote a learning journey of peers that would help strengthen civil service capacity building in Bhutan and develop a partnership among the Workshop participating countries, leading to the development of a framework for learning outcome assessment for the Royal Government of Bhutan. The Workshop provided a platform for practitioners and decision-makers of the RCSC, Bhutan and its affiliated institutes to learn lessons from international good practices. Panelists shared knowledge about various frameworks and approaches to enhance training effectiveness through assessment of learning outcomes while focusing on implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Supporting material :
- Concept Note;
- Agenda;
- Presentation by Tashi Pem on "The Way Forward and Possible Follow-Up Actions for Bhutan";
- Presentation by Deepak Dhawan on "Future Ready Leadership Model : The 4 Energies";
- Presentation by Victor Orozco on "Evalutation the Power of Stories";
- Report.
Contacts :
Mr. Juwang Zhu, Director, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
Ms. Adriana Alberti, Chief, Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit (PMCDU), DPIDG/UN DESA | E-mail: @email
Ms. Stefania Senese, Programme Management Officer, PMCDU / DPIDG / UN DESA | E-mail: @email
Mr. Bokyun Shim, Head, UN Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), DPIDG/UN DESA
Ms. Mi Kyoung Park, Governance and Public Administration Officer, UNPOG/DPIDG/UN DESA | E-mail: @email